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After a record pace achieved in 2015, there’s no doubt the rate of billion-dollar valuations for startups has cooled down in 2016. But it is too soon to tell if the pause is temporary or reflects a return to the past when billion-dollar valuations for startups were as rare as unicorns.
Success in general brings greater scrutiny and… Read More
Emerging Disruptions from Blockchainby Raman Chitkara on 07-04-2016 at 4:00 pmCategories: General
For several years, Bitcoin has captured headlines not only for becoming the leading digital currency, but also for wild fluctuations in its value. Will Bitcoin succeed? The jury’s still out. But now the underlying technology – an encrypted, distributed digital ledger called blockchain – is riding a wave of adoption for many new… Read More
Following a series of acquisitions, one manufacturer is planning to pivot from a business model based on hardware sales to one based on monthly fees for bundled hardware, software, service, and connectivity. Sensors, the cloud, wireless connectivity and data analytics all play a role in this new model. It is a massive undertaking… Read More
For the fourth consecutive year, China’s semiconductor consumption growth far exceeded worldwide market growth. At the end of 2014, the country had a record 56.6% of the global semiconductor consumption market.
China’s semiconductor consumption grew by 12.6% in 2014, exceeding the worldwide chip market growth of 9.8%. To … Read More
Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node