A Brief History of ClioSoft

A Brief History of ClioSoft
by Daniel Payne on 02-03-2013 at 8:05 pm

In the 1990s, software developers were established users of software configuration management (SCM) tools such as open source RCS/CVS or of commercial systems such as Clearcase. Hardware designers, however, managed design data in ad hoc home-grown ways. ClioSoft’s founder, Srinath Anantharaman, recognized that hardware… Read More

Building Energy-Efficient ICs from the Ground Up

Building Energy-Efficient ICs from the Ground Up
by Daniel Payne on 01-31-2013 at 6:02 pm

My oldest son just upgraded Smart Phones from a 3″ display to a 4.5″ display and was shocked to discover that his battery barely lasted 8 hours, so I welcomed him to the reality of limited battery life in modern SoC-based mobile devices. There is some hope in increasing battery life for our consumer-oriented devices … Read More

High Performance or Cycle Accuracy? You can have both

High Performance or Cycle Accuracy? You can have both
by Daniel Payne on 01-26-2013 at 10:55 pm

SoC designers have always wanted to simulate hardware and software together during new product development, so one practical question has been how to trade off performance versus accuracy when creating an early model of the hardware. The creative minds at Carbon Design Systems and ARM have combined to offer us some hope and relief… Read More

Using IC Data Management Tools and Migrating Vendors

Using IC Data Management Tools and Migrating Vendors
by Daniel Payne on 01-23-2013 at 10:50 am

Non-volatile memory is used in a wide variety of consumer and industrial applications and comes in an array of architectures like Serial Flash and CBRAM (Conductive Bridging RAM). I caught up with Shane Hollmer by phone this week to gain some insight into a recent acquisition of Atmel’s serial flash components, and how that… Read More

Double Patterning for IC Design, Extraction and Signoff

Double Patterning for IC Design, Extraction and Signoff
by Daniel Payne on 01-21-2013 at 3:27 pm

TSMC and Synopsys hosted a webinar in December on this topic of double patterning and how it impacts the IC extraction flow. The 20nm process node has IC layout geometries so closely spaced that the traditional optical-based lithography cannot be used, instead lower layers like Poly and Metal 1 require a new approach of using two… Read More

Is the RTL Design Flow Broken?

Is the RTL Design Flow Broken?
by Daniel Payne on 01-15-2013 at 11:02 am

I’ve taught Verilog classes and used logic synthesis tools for ASIC and FPGA designs, so was interested to hear about Oasys Design Systems. I attended their webinar at 9AM today, so I’ll share what I learned about their approach to logical and physical synthesis. This approach competes with tools like Design CompilerRead More

Online Schematic Capture and SPICE Circuit Simulation

Online Schematic Capture and SPICE Circuit Simulation
by Daniel Payne on 01-04-2013 at 11:33 pm

I love all things SPICE so when I read a tweet tonight from @PartSimI just had to try out their Schematic Capture and SPICE circuit simulator in a browser. The site is www.partsim.com and all you need is a web browser and short registration process, then it’s off to the Examples where I found a simple CMOS inverter and then extended… Read More

Engineer to Engineer, Embedded Instrumentation

Engineer to Engineer, Embedded Instrumentation
by Daniel Payne on 01-03-2013 at 10:28 pm

Last month the folks at Tektronix did something very useful, they invited 30 engineers to talk directly with their chief engineer of embedded instrumentation as part of “Meet the Experts” in Santa Clara, CA.

Brad Quinton, Chief Architect created a new and efficient approach of embedding instrumentation in your … Read More