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In the first part of this article we tried to present a way to capture the essence of the tesseract. We did that by “climbing” the dimensions from the point (no dimensions), through the segment (1-D), square (2-D), cube (3-D) and finally tesseract (4-D).
In the following figures we present other attempts at visualizing… Read More
Translated and adapted from an article by Jaime Poniachik
The novel Flatland was written en 1884 by Edwin A. Abbot. This novel describes a fantastic, two-dimensional, flat world. Hence the name of the novel. This world has living beings. They have only two dimensions and they move in a plane which they cannot abandon.
It is not difficult… Read More
Audi announced its piloted driving technology at CES 2015. The Audi Prologue includes the Advanced Driver Assistance System Platform (zFAS), co-developed with TTTech. The zFAS board is based on four devices: an Nvidia k1 processor and Infineon Aurix processor, Mobileye’s EyeQ3 for vision processing, and an Altera Cyclone … Read More
Digital outputs can either go ON or OFF. Analog signals, on the other side, can smoothly assume multiple values in a range. There is a technique that emulates analog behavior with a digital output. That technique is PWM, namely, Pulse Width Modulation. It can be implemented as pulses with varying ‘high’ and ‘low’… Read More
These days, FPGAs are fairly complex pieces of silicon. Being that the case, it would take several articles even to put a summary of the features embedded in high-end FPGA devices. Hence, in this article, I will concentrate in just one feature, namely, the new embedded memory blocks of the recently released Intel-Altera Stratix… Read More
One of the reasons for the explosive growth of IoT is that embedded devices with networking capabilities and sensor interfaces are cheap enough to deploy them at a plethora of locations.
However, network bandwidth is limited. Not only that, but also, the latency of the network can be of seconds or minutes. By the time the sensor data… Read More
The concept of machine learning is not new. Attempts at systems emulating intelligent behavior, like expert systems, go as far back as the early 1980’s. And the very notion of modern Artificial Intelligence has a long history. The name itself was coined at a Dartmouth College conference (1956), but the idea of an “electronic… Read More
Men marry women wishing they will never change, but they do.Women marry men wishing they will be able to change them, but they don’t.
When I was young, even during my University studies, I was a real disaster in anything related to order. My room was always a mess. Whenever my mother or any other would try to change my ways (even… Read More
On the first two chapters of this Tutorial we started with a simple LFSR module and added a test bench. Then, on chapters three and four we upgraded our module with some features and learned to export the test bench data to files.
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In the first part of this tutorialwe started with a simple implementation of an LFSR block (Chapter 1) and its test bench (Chapter 2). Let’s make our code look a bit more professional.
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Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node