Non-separation of power and performance

Non-separation of power and performance
by Don Dingee on 06-04-2014 at 2:00 pm

How much power does a system consume? The simplistic path to power estimation for a system used to be tossing a few metrics – standby, typical, worst case, with figures pulled from a datasheet, simulation, or physical measurement – into a spreadsheet. After filling the remaining holes with SWAG (scientific wild-ass guesses), … Read More

Book review: “shift left” with virtual prototypes

Book review: “shift left” with virtual prototypes
by Don Dingee on 03-26-2014 at 1:00 pm

Shipping a product with complete software support at official release is a lot more difficult than it sounds. Inevitably, there is less than enough hardware to go around, and what little there is has to fill the needs of hardware designers, test and certification engineers, software development teams, systems integration teams,… Read More

M-PCIe, Data Converters, and USB 3.0 SSIC at IP SoC 2013

M-PCIe, Data Converters, and USB 3.0 SSIC at IP SoC 2013
by Eric Esteve on 10-31-2013 at 9:38 am

Synopsys is taking IP-SOC 2013 seriously, as the company will hold several presentations, starting with a Keynote: “Virtual Prototyping – A Reality Check”, by Johannes Stahl, Director, Product Marketing, System-Level Solutions, Synopsys, highlighting current industry practice around putting virtual prototyping to work… Read More

Virtual Prototype your SoC including FlexNoC

Virtual Prototype your SoC including FlexNoC
by Eric Esteve on 03-12-2012 at 1:10 pm

Designing larger than ever SoC, integrating multiple ARM’s Cortex-A15 and Cortex-A9 microprocessor cores as well as complexes IP functions like HDMI controller, DDR3 Memory controller, Ethernet, SATA or PCI Express controller are pushing designers to search for better price, performance and area tradeoffs and the SoC interconnect… Read More