SmartDV at the 2024 Design Automation Conference

SmartDV at the 2024 Design Automation Conference
by Daniel Nenni on 06-19-2024 at 8:00 pm

DAC 2024 Banner

SmartDV’s presence at 61st DAC centers on connections, support, and the human side of IP. Over the past 18 months, we have been laser-focused on focused on overhauling and streamlining our customer support model to provide our global IP users with the best possible service. Vice President of Application Engineering Sergio Marchese… Read More

LIVE WEBINAR: Automating the Integration Workflow with IP Centric Design

LIVE WEBINAR: Automating the Integration Workflow with IP Centric Design
by Daniel Nenni on 04-09-2024 at 10:00 am

hip webinar automating integration workflow social

Subsystem and full-chip integration plays a crucial role in any project – particularly for large SoCs. Our upcoming webinar on April 30 confronts the typical challenges of this process and provides a detailed view into how IP centric  design can help you solve them. Join us to learn how transforming your design flow can help your… Read More

INNOVA PDM, a New Era for Planning and Tracking Chip Design Resources is Born

INNOVA PDM, a New Era for Planning and Tracking Chip Design Resources is Born
by Daniel Nenni on 12-01-2022 at 6:00 am

Innova PDM

No doubt that the design success of nowadays system on chips (SoCs) is directly linked to the success of cost control. More market opportunities are open for less expensive system on chips and electronic systems.

Both the design cost prediction and the resource tracking during the design process, are key to such a success

Predicting… Read More

ARC Processor Summit 2022 Your embedded edge starts here!

ARC Processor Summit 2022 Your embedded edge starts here!
by Synopsys on 08-15-2022 at 10:00 am

ARC Summit 2022

As embedded systems continue to become more complex and integrate greater functionality, SoC developers are faced with the challenge of developing more powerful, yet more energy-efficient devices. The processors used in these embedded applications must be efficient to deliver high levels of performance within limited power… Read More

The Lines Are Blurring Between System and Silicon. You’re Not Ready.

The Lines Are Blurring Between System and Silicon. You’re Not Ready.
by Daniel Nenni on 07-01-2022 at 8:00 am

3D Memory HBM Ansys

3D-ICs bring together multiple silicon dies into a single package that’s significantly larger and complex than traditional systems on a chip (SoCs). There’s no doubt these innovative designs are revolutionizing the semiconductor industry.

3D-ICs offer a variety of performance advantages over traditional SoCs. Because … Read More

WEBINAR: Balancing Performance and Power in adding AI Accelerators to System-on-Chip (SoC)

WEBINAR: Balancing Performance and Power in adding AI Accelerators to System-on-Chip (SoC)
by Daniel Nenni on 03-01-2022 at 6:00 am

Mirabilis Webinar AI SoC

Among the multiple technologies that are poised to deliver substantial value in the future, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tops the list.  An IEEE survey showed that AI will drive the majority of innovation across almost every industry sector in the next one to five years.

As a result, the AI revolution is motivating the need for … Read More

DAC 2021 Wrap-up – S2C turns more than a few heads

DAC 2021 Wrap-up – S2C turns more than a few heads
by Ron Green on 12-20-2021 at 10:00 am

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Now that the 58th Design Automation Conference held this year in San Francisco has concluded, we take a minute to look back at the results and ascertain what it meant for our company.

Unfortunately, many popular tradeshows held in the time of Covid have suffered a drop in attendance, and DAC was no exception. Despite this however,… Read More

PCIe 6.0, LPDDR5, HBM2E and HBM3 Speed Adapters to FPGA Prototyping Solutions

PCIe 6.0, LPDDR5, HBM2E and HBM3 Speed Adapters to FPGA Prototyping Solutions
by Kalar Rajendiran on 12-15-2021 at 6:00 am

Avery PCIe Speed Adapter IP at Work

We live in the age of big data. No matter how fast and complex modern SoCs are, it all comes down to how quickly data can get in and out that determines the system performance. And, there is a lot of data that today’s systems need to process. Naturally, system interfaces such as PCIe, DDR, HBM, etc., have been evolving rapidly too, to support… Read More

CEO Interview: Mo Faisal of Movellus

CEO Interview: Mo Faisal of Movellus
by Daniel Nenni on 12-01-2021 at 6:00 am

Mo Faisal Movellus

Prior to founding Movellus, Dr. Faisal held positions at semiconductor companies such as Intel and PMC Sierra. Faisal received his B.S. from the University of Waterloo, and his M.S. and Ph.D. from the University of Michigan, and holds several patents. Dr. Faisal was named a “Top 20 Entrepreneur” by the University of Michigan Zell… Read More

Yep – It’s Still an Analog World in this Digital Age

Yep – It’s Still an Analog World in this Digital Age
by Daniel Nenni on 11-02-2021 at 6:00 am

Fig 1 Omni Design Blog 271021

With all the advances in digital technology to serve mankind’s insatiable appetite for automation, it’s easy to lose sight of the reality that we still live in an analog world.  It’s easy to take for granted that somewhere in the chain of events that takes place in the process of applying state-of-the-art computational technology… Read More