TSMC 2024 China Technology Symposium

TSMC 2024 China Technology Symposium
by Admin on 05-01-2024 at 2:42 pm

Get the latest on:

  • TSMC’s industry-leading HPC, smartphone, IoT, and automotive platform solutions
  • TSMC’s advanced technology progress on 5nm, 4nm, 3nm, 2nm processes and beyond
  • TSMC’s specialty technology breakthroughs on ultra-low power, RF, embedded memory, power management, sensor technologies, and more
  • TSMC
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Electronics Recovery Mixed

Electronics Recovery Mixed
by Bill Jewell on 07-21-2021 at 2:00 pm

Electronics Recovery Mixed

Electronics production continues to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the recovery is mixed by country. The chart below shows three-month-average (3/12) change versus a year ago in electronics production by local currency for key Asian countries. China was averaging about 10% growth prior to the pandemic. After… Read More

Semiconductors up in 2020? Not so fast

Semiconductors up in 2020? Not so fast
by Bill Jewell on 07-24-2020 at 6:00 am

Semiconductor Forecast 2H 2020

Two months ago most forecasts called for a decline in the semiconductor market in 2020 as reported in our Semiconductor Intelligence May 2020 newsletter. The outlook changed in June, as the Worldwide Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) consensus forecast projected 3.3% growth in 2020. This month IC Insights revised its IC

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Of distant dreams and violent delights

Of distant dreams and violent delights
by Don Dingee on 10-05-2016 at 4:00 pm

Another report today of a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 catching fire, this time an allegedly refurbished unit, takes us back to the turning point in Samsung mobile phone history. It’s not the first time a defective Samsung phone – or a pile of thousands of them – has been on fire.

Samsung Chairman Lee Kun-Hee issued a powerful edict to his mobile… Read More

A Chinese smartphone drill in progress

A Chinese smartphone drill in progress
by Don Dingee on 07-27-2016 at 4:00 pm

One of our astute readers caught what looks like a major gaffe in the Linley Group mobile conference presentations from this week. It’s another indication of the speed of change in mobile markets and the instability that is giving Apple and others heartburn.

Here’s the chart in question:

The point of contention is who, exactly, … Read More

More Details on the Smartphone and Wearables Market

More Details on the Smartphone and Wearables Market
by Daniel Nenni on 07-26-2016 at 4:00 pm

The Linley Mobile Conference opened today with a nice keynote overview of the mobile market evolution. In the media I see a lot of doom and gloom articles about smartphones and wearables but if you look at it closely you will see a natural growth curve evolving.

The mobile semiconductor market is evolving as vendors split their focusRead More

Waze May Not Be So Evil After All

Waze May Not Be So Evil After All
by Tom Simon on 03-21-2016 at 7:00 am

In contrast to the opinions in a recent article here, I think Waze is extremely beneficial to the individuals who use it, other drivers – by virtue of more efficient road usage, and the various jurisdictions that oversee roads and highways. For those not familiar with Waze, it is a smartphone app that provides navigation and… Read More

Smartphone-based Connected Health Insights from Patents

Smartphone-based Connected Health Insights from Patents
by Alex G. Lee on 02-01-2016 at 4:00 pm

US20150124067 illustrates an improved technique for monitoring human health vitals without contact using the physiological signals extracted from video images captured by a video camera of a smartphone. One advantage of the contact-less vitals monitoring technique is the avoidance of contact measurement which can be a problem… Read More

Connections to Internet Drives Semiconductors

Connections to Internet Drives Semiconductors
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-26-2015 at 7:00 am

We are going to see a big reversal in what connects to the internet in next five years. At the start of this century there were about 488 million internet connections; 85% of those were connected to people for web browsing, e-mails, on-line services etc. and only 15% were used for embedded systems, remote sensing and control, and M2M… Read More

Smartphone Trends Revealed

Smartphone Trends Revealed
by Daniel Payne on 11-20-2015 at 4:00 pm

I’ve been using cell phones since the 1980’s and I’ll never forget my first one, the Motorola DynaTAC (aka Brick Phone). The data plan was paid for by my EDA employer, and it did make me more productive because clients, prospects and co-workers could get a hold of me by simply dialing, not having to go through a secretary… Read More