Using Sequential Testing to Shorten Monte Carlo Simulations

Using Sequential Testing to Shorten Monte Carlo Simulations
by Tom Simon on 12-27-2017 at 7:00 am

When working on an analog design, after initial design specs have been met, it is useful to determine if the design meets specs out to 3 or 4 sigma based on process variation. This can serve as a useful step before going any further. It might not be a coincidence that foundries base their Cpk on 3-sigma. To refresh, Cpk is the ratio of the… Read More

Five Things You Don’t Know About MunEDA

Five Things You Don’t Know About MunEDA
by Paul McLellan on 06-17-2014 at 3:00 pm

So first the one thing that you do know. MunEDA are based in Munich which makes them German. I have to confess that until I got involved helping them a bit with some marketing stuff that that was about all I knew about them too.

So now five things that you might not know:

1. MunEDA have a much wider customer list that you know and would even… Read More

High Sigma Yield Analysis and Optimization at DAC

High Sigma Yield Analysis and Optimization at DAC
by Daniel Payne on 06-02-2014 at 7:20 pm

When I hear the phrase “high sigma” I think of the EDA vendor Solido, however at DAC on Monday I visited another EDA company called MunEDAthat has several products of interest to transistor-level IC designers. I was able to speak with three different people from MunEDA and here’s what I learned.… Read More