Filling the ASIC Void – Part 2

Filling the ASIC Void – Part 2
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-03-2020 at 6:00 am

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I concluded my last post on the topic with an inventory of the key attributes needed to fill the ASIC void created by the relentless consolidation in semiconductors. There were five items, as follows:

  1. Design and manufacturing expertise in a market that requires custom chips
  2. Differentiating IP and the skills to integrate it into
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Filling the ASIC Void – Part 1

Filling the ASIC Void – Part 1
by Mike Gianfagna on 03-27-2020 at 6:00 am

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It started slowly at first.  Then it began picking up steam. I’m referring to consolidation in the semiconductor sector. I had a front-row seat for what consolidation did to the ASIC part of semiconductor and that is the topic of this discussion. I was the VP of marketing at eSilicon, the company that invented the fabless ASIC model.… Read More

Consolidation and Design Data Management

Consolidation and Design Data Management
by Bernard Murphy on 05-30-2017 at 7:00 am

Consensia, a Dassault Systemès channel partner, recently hosted a webinar on DesignSync, a long-standing pillar of many industry design flows (count ARM, Qualcomm, Cavium and NXP among their users). A motivation for this webinar was the impact semiconductor consolidation has had on the complexity of design data management,… Read More

2016 EDA Dead Pool

2016 EDA Dead Pool
by Daniel Nenni on 11-30-2015 at 7:00 am

The most commonly asked question during conference calls with Wall Street of late is in regards to the massive consolidation the semiconductor industry is experiencing. How will the consolidation affect the Foundries? How will the consolidation affect EDA and IP? How will the consolidation affect the semiconductor industry… Read More

Real Men Use ASIC

Real Men Use ASIC
by Bernard Murphy on 11-09-2015 at 4:00 pm

As we watch the gravitational collapse of the semiconductor industry, it becomes increasingly obvious that the tech zeitgeist, with investment in close lockstep, is squarely centered on complete solutions, not enabling technologies. That this seems unfair (they couldn’t do it without us, and what we do is really, really hard)… Read More