A Recipe for Performance Optimization in Arm-Based Systems

A Recipe for Performance Optimization in Arm-Based Systems
by Bernard Murphy on 05-16-2024 at 6:00 am

Performance cookbook for Arm min (1)

Around the mid-2000’s the performance component of Moore’s Law started to tail off. That slack was nicely picked up by architecture improvements which continue to march forward but add a new layer of complexity in performance optimization and verification. Nick Heaton (Distinguished Engineer and Verification Architect at… Read More

AI in Verification – A Cadence Perspective

AI in Verification – A Cadence Perspective
by Bernard Murphy on 04-04-2023 at 6:00 am

Opening slide min

AI is everywhere or so it seems, though often promoted with insufficient detail to understand methods. I now look for substance, not trade secrets but how exactly they using AI. Matt Graham (Product Engineering Group Director at Cadence) gave a good and substantive tutorial pitch at DVCon, with real examples of goal-centric optimization… Read More

Getting to Faster Closure through AI/ML, DVCon Keynote

Getting to Faster Closure through AI/ML, DVCon Keynote
by Bernard Murphy on 03-10-2022 at 10:00 am

Manish min

Manish Pandey, VP R&D and Fellow at Synopsys, gave the keynote this year. His thesis is that given the relentless growth of system complexity, now amplified by multi-chiplet systems, we must move the verification efficiency needle significantly. In this world we need more than incremental advances in performance. We need… Read More

A New ML Application, in Formal Regressions

A New ML Application, in Formal Regressions
by Bernard Murphy on 02-10-2021 at 6:00 am

A New ML Application

Machine learning (ML) is a once-in-a-generation innovation that seems like it should be applicable almost everywhere. It’s certainly revolutionized automotive safety, radiology and many other domains. In our neck of the woods, SoC implementation is advancing through learning to reduce total negative slacks and better optimize… Read More

Formal in the Field: Users are Getting More Sophisticated

Formal in the Field: Users are Getting More Sophisticated
by Bernard Murphy on 10-15-2019 at 5:00 am

Formal SIG 2019 meeting at Synopsys

Building on an old chestnut, if sufficiently advanced technology looks like magic, there are a number of technology users who are increasingly looking like magicians. Of course when it comes to formal, neither is magical, just very clever. The technology continues to advance and so do the users in their application of those methods.… Read More