Mentor’s Questa verification tools now run on 64-bit ARM based servers

Mentor’s Questa verification tools now run on 64-bit ARM based servers
by Tom Simon on 10-10-2019 at 10:00 am

The server market has been undergoing changes in the last few years. The traditional go-to for server processors had been x86 based chips from Intel or AMD. However, if you go on Amazon AWS looking for EC2 instances, you will see the “A1” instance type, which is an ARM based instance. This is not what you might think at first. The A1 instance… Read More


by Daniel Nenni on 02-04-2019 at 7:00 am

The semiconductor conference season has started out strong and the premier verification gathering is coming up at the end of this month. SemiWiki bloggers, myself included, will be at the conference covering verification so you don’t have to. Verification is consuming more and more of the design cycle so I expect this event to … Read More

Mentor’s Symphony in Tune with AMS Designer Needs

Mentor’s Symphony in Tune with AMS Designer Needs
by Tom Simon on 11-14-2018 at 12:00 pm

Mixed signal simulation is a very hot topic these days. In modern designs, it is harder to draw a line between the analog and digital and work with them independently. Analog blocks are showing up everywhere. Even in what would have qualified as a digital design a few years ago, now designers need to look at things like PLLs, IOs and … Read More

Portable Stimulus enables new design and verification methodologies

Portable Stimulus enables new design and verification methodologies
by Jim Hogan on 10-19-2018 at 12:00 pm

My usual practice when investing is to look at startup companies and try to understand if the market they are looking to serve has a significant opportunity for a new and disruptive technology. This piece compiles the ideas that I used to form an investment thesis in Portable Stimulus. Once collected, I often share ideas to get feedback.… Read More

Something Old, Something New…EDA and Verification

Something Old, Something New…EDA and Verification
by Ellie Burns on 10-04-2015 at 12:00 pm

When I got the opportunity to blog about verification, I thought, what new and interesting things should I talk about? Having started my EDA career in 1983, I often feel like one of the “oldies” in this business…remember when a hard drive required a static strap, held a whopping 33 MB, and was the size of a brick? Perhaps they should … Read More

Never Imagined So Easy Class-based Testbench Debugging

Never Imagined So Easy Class-based Testbench Debugging
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-09-2015 at 7:00 am

When it comes to debugging a design testbench organized in object-oriented style with objects, component hierarchies, macros, transactions and so on, it becomes an onerous, tasteless, and thankless task for RTL verification engineers who generally lag in software expertise. Moreover, class-based debugging tools have lagged… Read More

Power Management Gets Tricky in IP Driven World

Power Management Gets Tricky in IP Driven World
by Pawan Fangaria on 07-08-2015 at 7:00 pm

Today, an SoC can have multiple instances of an IP and also instances of many different IPs from different vendors. Every instance of an IP can work in a separate mode and requires a dedicated power arrangement which may only be formalized at the implementation stage. The power intent, if specified earlier, will need to be re-generated… Read More

UVM Debugging Made Easy & Productive in Questa

UVM Debugging Made Easy & Productive in Questa
by Pawan Fangaria on 02-11-2015 at 2:00 pm

As design complexity and size is increasing, SoC verification has become one of the most difficult and time consuming tasks in the design closure.UVM (Universal Verification Methodology, an accellera initiative) is one of the best verification methodologies that support common language, coherent strategy, clarity and transparency… Read More

Virtual Emulation Extends Debugging Over Physical

Virtual Emulation Extends Debugging Over Physical
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-13-2014 at 7:30 am

Amid burgeoning complexity of SoC verification with ever increasing hardware, software and firmware content, verification engineers are hard pressed with learning multiple tools, technologies and methodologies and still completing SoC verification with full accuracy in time. The complexity, size and diversity of SoC … Read More