PLDA Expands Data Interconnect IP Solutions with CXL and Gen-Z Protocol Support

PLDA Expands Data Interconnect IP Solutions with CXL and Gen-Z Protocol Support
by Mike Gianfagna on 05-28-2020 at 10:00 am

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A couple of months ago I introduced PLDA, a new member of the SemiWiki community, with a post about PLDA’s switch IP and its support for PCIe and NVMe solid state disks. Working in the area of high-performance data interconnects requires support for a growing list of standards, standards that continually evolve. The trick is to stay… Read More

5 Verification Challenges of IoT Solved by Emulation

5 Verification Challenges of IoT Solved by Emulation
by Pawan Fangaria on 12-09-2015 at 4:00 pm

Software-centric Emulation environment takes the forefront in modern SoC verification. As more and more devices are IoT enabled, the SoCs have to make special provisions to factor many things including communication, power usage, and network switching, and so on. Also, the demand for an SoC (specifically for smartphone which… Read More

Secret Sauce of SmartDV and its CEO’s Vision

Secret Sauce of SmartDV and its CEO’s Vision
by Pawan Fangaria on 08-26-2015 at 4:00 pm

SmartDV started as a small setup in Bangalore in 2008 and by now is one of the most respectable VIP (Verification IP) companies in the world. Having a portfolio of 83 VIPs in its kitty and growing, it has a large customer base, including the top semiconductor companies around the world. The company has grown significantly and is raring… Read More

Compositions allow NoCs to connect easier

Compositions allow NoCs to connect easier
by Don Dingee on 01-27-2014 at 6:00 pm

I blame it on Henry Ford, William Levitt, and the NY State Board of Regents, among others. We went through a phase with this irresistible urge to stamp out blocks of sameness, creating mass produced clones of everything from cars to houses to students.

Thank goodness, that’s pretty much over. The thinking of simplifying system design… Read More