Multicore SoC Architecture Optimization

Multicore SoC Architecture Optimization
by Eric Esteve on 02-16-2012 at 5:36 am

Once again with Synopsys and Arteris, the innovation is coming to solve an issue, faced by their potential customers: “In our research, we’ve found that almost half of project delays are caused by problems with the system architecture design and specification,” said Chris Rommel, vice president, embedded… Read More

Powering the Platforms: ARM’s 2012 Approach

Powering the Platforms: ARM’s 2012 Approach
by Don Dingee on 02-08-2012 at 4:30 pm

A client turned me on to a great new book, “The Age of the Platform” by Phil Simon. It’s about how Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google have radically transformed the landscape. For me, it’s not just social networking – it’s social computing, changing how things are designed.

I’m borrowing this right from Phil’s… Read More

IC Power Dissipation in…the New York Times!

IC Power Dissipation in…the New York Times!
by Paul McLellan on 08-05-2011 at 4:37 pm

Generally if you want to read about power dissipation in SoCs and the potential impact on limiting how much computer power we might be able to cram onto a given piece of silicon then EE Times is a good place to look. But last weekend there was a full-length article in, of all places a different Times, the New York Times, entitled ProgressRead More