From System Design to Drug Design. The Rationale

From System Design to Drug Design. The Rationale
by Bernard Murphy on 05-22-2024 at 6:00 am

Drug development cycle min

I’m guessing that more than a few people were mystified (maybe still are) when Cadence acquired OpenEye Scientific, a company known for computational molecular design aimed at medical drug/therapeutics discovery. What could EDA, even SDA (system design automation), and drug discovery possibly have in common? More than you… Read More

Anirudh Fireside Chats with Jensen and Cristiano

Anirudh Fireside Chats with Jensen and Cristiano
by Bernard Murphy on 05-14-2024 at 6:00 am

Fireside chat min

At CadenceLIVE 2024 Anirudh Devgan (President and CEO of Cadence) hosted two fireside chats, one with Jensen Huang (President and CEO of NVIDIA) and one with Cristiano Amon (President and CEO of Qualcomm). As you would expect both discussions were engaging and enlightening. What follows are my takeaways from those chats.


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