An Automated Method to Ensure Designs Are Failure-Proof in the Field

An Automated Method to Ensure Designs Are Failure-Proof in the Field
by Rob vanBlommestein on 06-13-2023 at 6:00 am

fusa white paper semiwiki

I don’t know about you, but when I think of mission-critical applications, I immediately think of space exploration or military operations. But in today’s world, mission-critical applications are all around us. Think about the cloud and how data is managed, analyzed, and shared to execute any number of tasks that have safety … Read More

Is GaN Disruptive? Revisiting the Criteria

Is GaN Disruptive? Revisiting the Criteria
by Alex Lidow on 06-07-2016 at 12:00 pm

In March 2010 Efficient Power Conversion (EPC) proudly launched our GaN technology at the CIPS conference in Nuremberg, Germany. Parts and development kits were readily available off-the shelf and therefore designers could immediately get started with a new state-of-the-art semiconductor technology.
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More Medical Tech –Smart Bandages for Wound Management

More Medical Tech –Smart Bandages for Wound Management
by Bernard Murphy on 01-06-2016 at 12:00 pm

I have a bias (as you may have noticed) for solutions in a domain that take advantage of technology but are developed within that domain. A recently example is intelligent bandages, developed at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard, Purdue and several other research centers. The purpose of such a bandage is to monitor a wound… Read More

What’s Driving Real Medical Tech

What’s Driving Real Medical Tech
by Bernard Murphy on 12-17-2015 at 12:00 pm

I just watched a webinar on non-invasive bio-imaging as a way to detect and track disease, which gave me a sense of the way tech progresses in the medical field and makes for a positive counterpoint to my views on medical IoT, at least as envisioned in much of our industry. The webinar, on new approaches to in-vivo imaging was hosted … Read More

Why Medical IoT Won’t Take Off

Why Medical IoT Won’t Take Off
by Bernard Murphy on 11-28-2015 at 7:00 am

In the wave of enthusiasm surrounding the IoT, medical applications are often held up as an obvious and compelling area where applications cannot fail to succeed. I beg to differ. I think there are two important reasons why almost no such applications will succeed, at least not in the way we seem to be approaching them today.

The first… Read More

Innovative Apps to Evolutionize Wearable Segment

Innovative Apps to Evolutionize Wearable Segment
by Pawan Fangaria on 10-21-2015 at 7:00 am

In recent years, excessive cold or heat in particular regions of the world has become a regular phenomenon; it reminds me about a movie I saw a couple of years ago, “The Day After Tomorrow” in which the whole Manhattan was shown covered with ice. Can’t say whether that can ever happen if at all, but on a better note today, I can see the possibility… Read More

Medicals Marriage with Semis

Medicals Marriage with Semis
by Pawan Fangaria on 03-26-2015 at 7:00 pm

I remember a couple of decades ago, my father used to go to a nearby doctor’s clinic to get his blood pressure and sugar levels checked. I guess, in around 1990s small electronic kits became available to measure these usual daily health indicators and instantly display the numbers. I bought a few for my father then. Today, the scene… Read More

Where a New IP Company Could Invest

Where a New IP Company Could Invest
by barun on 03-03-2015 at 7:00 pm

Which IP which will give substantial return in next 3 – 5 years and where a company will invest as well as how it will differentiate itself from others, particularly the big ones, are key discussion topics for any start-up entering into semiconductor IP business.

In the last few decades we have seen a tremendous growth of interface… Read More

IMEC Technology Symposium

IMEC Technology Symposium
by Paul McLellan on 07-08-2014 at 12:52 pm

Yesterday I attended the IMEC Technology Forum at Semicon West. As always with IMEC, they present so much information it is like drinking from a firehose. I’ll say more about the future of process technology in a blog later this week, but this blog is about IMEC itself. It is an amazing success story. Let’s face it, if you were going … Read More

FPGAs The Life Savers

FPGAs The Life Savers
by Luke Miller on 08-27-2013 at 1:00 pm

Silicon dominates our lives, CPU’s, GPU’s are in the limelight but the unsung hero is the FPGA. They simply do the work where other silicon dare not tread, as they are unfit for the task. Never send a boy to do a man’s job.

For a moment, if we can, just for a few minutes perhaps we can break away from the social media bubble… Read More