Why I’ll Always Be an Andy Grove Fan

Why I’ll Always Be an Andy Grove Fan
by Martin Lund on 04-29-2016 at 4:00 pm

Silicon Valley sadly lost a respected and revered leader with the death of Andrew Grove in March. The co-founder and former CEO of Intel was an inspiration to generations of technologists and business leaders, including me. Andy had a profound influence on me throughout my career. And while I only met him once, I feel as though I’ve… Read More

CDN Live 2013 in Munich: what’s the next acquisition? Evatronix!

CDN Live 2013 in Munich: what’s the next acquisition? Evatronix!
by Eric Esteve on 05-07-2013 at 2:44 am

It was definitely a good idea to go to Munich to listen to the keynote talk from Lip-Bu Tan. Did I learned in direct live the name of the next acquisition from Cadence in 2013, after Tensilica and Cosmic Circuits? Yes and the winner is… Evatronix! And cadence as well as Evatronix is enjoying more than 600 customers worldwide, thanks … Read More

Cadence IP Report Card 2013

Cadence IP Report Card 2013
by Daniel Nenni on 03-17-2013 at 7:00 pm

The challenges of developing IP blocks, integrating them correctly, and hitting the power, performance, area, and time to market requirements of a mobile SoC is a growing problem. At 20nm and 14nm the probability of a chip re-spin due to an error is approaching 50% and we all know how disastrous a re-spin can be, those are not good … Read More

We are Live at CDNLive 2013!

We are Live at CDNLive 2013!
by Daniel Nenni on 03-10-2013 at 7:00 pm

Dr. Paul McLellan and I will be covering CDNLive this week, one of the premier EDA events of the year. Take a look at the agenda and exhibits, this year it looks like a full on Design Automation Conference! There is definitely something for everyone!

Get ready for two full days of content with more than a hundred tracks and keynotes by… Read More

Don’t miss this Panel! Platform & Subsystem IP: Trends and Realities

Don’t miss this Panel! Platform & Subsystem IP: Trends and Realities
by Eric Esteve on 12-03-2012 at 10:01 am

If you pass by Grenoble tomorrow (Tuesday 4th Dec.) and go to IP-SoC 2012, then you should attend this panel at 4pm in the Auditorium (you can’t miss it, it’s the larger room at the registration level).

If you are Designer, Architect, Project Manager, Marketing… working for a chip maker, please prepare questions!… Read More

MemCon 2012: Cadence and Denali

MemCon 2012: Cadence and Denali
by Eric Esteve on 08-20-2012 at 7:00 am

I was very happy to see that Cadence has decided to hold MEMCON again in 2012, in Santa Clara on September 18[SUP]th[/SUP] . The session will start with “New Memory Technologies and Disruptions in the Ecosystem”from Martin Lund.

Martin is the recently (March this year) appointed Senior VP for the SoC Realization Group at cadence:… Read More

Cadence IP Strategy 2012

Cadence IP Strategy 2012
by Daniel Nenni on 06-17-2012 at 7:00 pm

As I mentioned in a previous blog Cadence Update 2012, Martin Lund is now in charge of the Cadence IP strategy. Martin read my first blog and wanted to exchange IP strategies so we met at DAC 2012 for a chat. Not only did Martin connect with me on LinkedIn, he also joined the SemiWiki LinkedIn group, which now has 4,000+ members. So yes,… Read More

Cadence Update 2012!

Cadence Update 2012!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-14-2012 at 9:00 pm

What’s new at Cadence? Quite a bit actually. I have always been a Cadence fan, I mean really, they gave birth to modern EDA. Unfortunately, Cadence really lost me during the Avant! legal action, the Mike Fister years, and EDA360. Recently, however, Cadence has made some big changes that will definitely get them back on my good side.… Read More