DAC luncheon: Improve the fidelity of ESD margins and leakage flows

DAC luncheon: Improve the fidelity of ESD margins and leakage flows
by Admin on 06-11-2024 at 7:09 pm

Conservative design rules and constraints are often used in reliability verification flows. By combining the leading solutions provided by Siemens Calibre PERC and SPICE simulation technologies, SPICE-accurate full-chip simulation becomes possible in a compelling flow for design teams looking to better understand their

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by Bernard Murphy on 06-21-2018 at 7:00 am

I’m not going to be at DAC this year because I scheduled a fishing trip at the end of June, assuming the show would stay true to form as an early/mid-June event. Still, having to endure salmon and halibut fishing in Alaska rather than slogging around Moscone Center, I can’t pretend to be too disappointed; I’ll be thinking of you all 😎.… Read More

Margin Call

Margin Call
by Bernard Murphy on 06-04-2017 at 7:00 am

A year ago, I wrote about Ansys’ intro of Big Data methods into the world of power integrity analysis. The motivation behind this advance was introduced in another blog, questioning how far margin-based approaches to complex multi-dimensional analyses could go. An accurate analysis of power integrity in a complex chip should… Read More