Analysis and Verification of Single Event Upset Mitigation

Analysis and Verification of Single Event Upset Mitigation
by Jacob Wiltgen on 12-07-2023 at 10:00 am

Figure 1 Driving trends

The evolution of space-based applications continues to drive innovation across government and private entities. The new demands for advanced capabilities and feature sets have a direct impact on the underlying hardware, driving companies to migrate to smaller geometries to deliver the required performance, area, and power… Read More

Safety Architecture Verification, ISO 26262

Safety Architecture Verification, ISO 26262
by Daniel Payne on 05-24-2021 at 10:00 am

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I love to read articles about autonomous vehicles and the eventual goal of reaching level 5, Full Automation, mostly because of the daunting engineering challenges in achieving this feat and all of the technology used in the process. The auto industry already has a defined safety requirements standard called ISO 26262, and one… Read More

Radiation Tolerance. Not Just for ISO 26262

Radiation Tolerance. Not Just for ISO 26262
by Bernard Murphy on 04-30-2020 at 6:00 am


Years before ISO 26262 (the auto safety standard) existed, a few electronics engineers had to worry about radiation hardening, but not for cars. Their concerns were the same we have today – radiation-induced single event effects (SEE) and single event upsets (SEU). SEEs are root-cause effects – some form of radiation, might be… Read More

Mentor Showcases Digital Twin Demo

Mentor Showcases Digital Twin Demo
by Bernard Murphy on 03-06-2019 at 6:00 am

Mentor put on a very interesting tutorial at DVCon this year. Commonly DVCon tutorials center around a single tool; less commonly (in my recent experience) they will detail a solution flow but still within the confines of chip or chip + software design. It is rare indeed to see presentations on a full system design including realistic… Read More