IoT: Where are we Now and Why Most IoT Startups Fail

IoT: Where are we Now and Why Most IoT Startups Fail
by Majeed Ahmad on 11-27-2015 at 7:00 am

“Mobile has won,” proclaimed Google chairman Eric Schmidt on Bloomberg TV in December 2013. Now, what’s next? If you were at the recent ARM TechCon held in Santa Clara, California on November 10-12, 2015, it’s unmistakably the Internet of Things (IoT).

That, however, comes with a number of strings attached.… Read More

Wearables + IoT = Internet of People

Wearables + IoT = Internet of People
by Nick Langston on 11-19-2015 at 7:00 am

The Internet of Things (IoT) promises sensor-equipped devices in constant communication with the cloud. The ‘Things’ are all manner of devices measuring and sensing, ceaselessly clicking away and transforming the amorphous sturm and drang of life into a rich river of digits and data. It’s estimated that by 2020 there Read More

The Internet of Challenges Bumps Along

The Internet of Challenges Bumps Along
by Bernard Murphy on 11-18-2015 at 12:00 pm

More from ARM TechCon. Great show as always, high-energy and a reminder that systems and solutions are where it’s at. There was a very big focus on Internet of Things in all its many guises, from devices to detect whether a garbage container is full, to a child’s necklace to store immunization and other health data, to new ways to push… Read More

Intelligent Devices for Internet Of Things (IDIOT’s), Software Defined Networks and BotNets

Intelligent Devices for Internet Of Things (IDIOT’s), Software Defined Networks and BotNets
by Arun Majumdar on 11-18-2015 at 7:00 am

One conversation topic I hear these days is: the Internet of Things is coming and all the devices will be intelligent. It will be achieved by embedding some kind of AI technology or machine learning or reasoning or whatever into the devices themselves. … Read More

The Reason ARM Will Win IoT!

The Reason ARM Will Win IoT!
by Daniel Nenni on 11-15-2015 at 7:00 am

After spending the week in Silicon Valley at ARM TechCon and related meetings, there was one common thread amongst the presentations and conversations and that was security. No matter what the topic was, mobile, consumer or industrial IoT, wearables, automotive, etc… security always came up. The question I had was how will companies… Read More

When Talking About IoT, Don’t Forget Memory

When Talking About IoT, Don’t Forget Memory
by Tom Simon on 11-13-2015 at 7:00 am

Memory is a big enough topic that it has its own conference, Memcon, which recently took place in October. While I was there covering the event for I went to the TSMC talk on memory technologies for the IoT market. Tom Quan, Director of the Open Innovation Platform (OIP) at TSMC was giving the talk. IoT definitely has special… Read More

Merger Mania: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry

Merger Mania: The Future of the Semiconductor Industry
by Pawan Fangaria on 11-12-2015 at 12:00 pm

In a semiconductor industry which appears maturing, we are also seeing the technologies unravelling newer transistor structures, memories, processors, and newer ways of designing ICs and electronic systems. The present decade appears to be at the cusp of a new transformation in the semiconductor industry. Amid a slew of mergers… Read More

IP-SoC Rebound in 2015 !

IP-SoC Rebound in 2015 !
by Eric Esteve on 11-12-2015 at 7:00 am

Going to IP-SoC every year since 2006, I have enjoyed the conference as it’s the only one 100% IP focused and a very good opportunity to network within this rather small ecosystem of IP vendors… but I must admit that, since 2012, the attendance tend to be lower than before. Because of the well-known “chicken & egg” theorem, low … Read More

It’s All about Packaging — In this Material World, Who Is Your Partner?

It’s All about Packaging — In this Material World, Who Is Your Partner?
by Deborah GeigerSEMI on 11-11-2015 at 3:20 pm


By Dr. Dan Tracy, senior director, Industry Research and Statistics, SEMI

With the recent release of Apple’s 6s and the form factors of internet-enabled mobile devices and the emergence of the IoT (Internet of Things), advanced packaging is clearly the enabling technology providing solutions for mobile applications and forRead More

64-bit for the masses with Cortex-A35

64-bit for the masses with Cortex-A35
by Don Dingee on 11-10-2015 at 12:00 pm

It has been four years since the announcement of the ARMv8 instruction set, three years since the launch of the ARM Cortex-A57 and Cortex-A53 cores, and two years since the Apple A7 with its “Cyclone” core blew away any misunderstanding of 64-bit as being just for servers.

There is, however, still this idea that 64-bit is only for … Read More