Four Barriers to Using an SoC for IoT Projects

Four Barriers to Using an SoC for IoT Projects
by Daniel Payne on 02-16-2017 at 12:00 pm

I often read about the large number of expected IoT design starts around the world, so I started to think about what the barriers are for launching this industry in order to meet the projections. One of my favorite IoT devices is the Garmin Edge 820, a computer for cyclists that has sensors for speed, cadence, power, heart rate, altitude… Read More

IoT and Blockchain Convergence

IoT and Blockchain Convergence
by Ahmed Banafa on 01-17-2017 at 12:00 pm


The Internet of Things (IoT) as a concept is fascinating and exciting, but one of the major challenging aspects of IoT is having a secure ecosystem encompassing all building blocks of IoT-architecture. Understanding the different building blocks of IoT, identifying the areas of vulnerability in each block and exploring technologies… Read More

Intel Conveys Compute Card Capabilities at CES

Intel Conveys Compute Card Capabilities at CES
by Tom Simon on 01-16-2017 at 12:00 pm

Intel is once again adding a new computing form factor to the mix. At CES Intel announced its new Intel Compute Card. It combines CPU, GPU, DRAM, storage, WiFi, and communications inside a small modular housing slightly larger than a credit card and about 5mm thick. Intel already offers its Compute Stick, but it is limited in its interface… Read More

Industrial IoT (IIoT) – Beyond Silicon Valley

Industrial IoT (IIoT) – Beyond Silicon Valley
by Brian Derrick on 01-10-2017 at 7:00 am

Industry 4.0, Smart Factory 1.0, and Internet of Manufacturing are industry initiatives aimed at accelerating the Industrial IoT. With current market forecast exceeding $40 billion and projected to approach $100 billion by 2020, IIoT has everyone’s attention. Well, almost everyone. Turning volumes of factory data into actionable… Read More

CES: Carnival Corp Personifies Key to Monetizing IoT

CES: Carnival Corp Personifies Key to Monetizing IoT
by Mitch Heins on 01-09-2017 at 12:00 pm

When one thinks of CES, one typically thinks of the latest in virtual reality or huge super high resolution televisions, sophisticated drones and robots. However, what caught my eye this year came from a company you don’t typically associate with high tech gadgets and that was Carnival Corporation. Yep, the company with all of … Read More

Solving a Murder Case with IoT Devices

Solving a Murder Case with IoT Devices
by Daniel Payne on 12-28-2016 at 12:00 pm

I watch a lot of Netflix and there are so many detective movies and series for me to enjoy where I try and match wits with the bad guys and figure out who is guilty a few seconds before the law enforcement characters do. On TV and with our movies there is often critical evidence extracted from desktop computers, laptops, hard drives, smart… Read More

3 Tips for Securing Home Cameras

3 Tips for Securing Home Cameras
by Matthew Rosenquist on 12-28-2016 at 7:00 am

Installing a home surveillance camera system can add great benefits but also may introduce new risks to privacy and network security. The goal is to increase the security and peace of mind, while avoiding cybersecurity threats. Here are three tips to consider when purchasing, installing, and configuring your new home camera … Read More

7 Trends of IoT in 2017

7 Trends of IoT in 2017
by Ahmed Banafa on 12-22-2016 at 12:00 pm


IoT is one of the transformational trends that will shape the future of businesses in 2017 and beyond. Many firms see a big opportunity in #IoT uses and enterprises start to believe that IoT holds the promise to enhance customer relationships and drive business growth by improving quality, productivity, and reliability on one … Read More

Predictions for the IOT in 2017

Predictions for the IOT in 2017
by Bill McCabe on 12-21-2016 at 2:00 pm

Although we are a far cry from Nostradamus, there are some fairly reliable predictions that can be made about 2017 and beyond.

The first bold prediction is that 2017 will see a bump in security, and a demand for skilled workers. Since there will be a growing demand for AI and the containers that are utilized to transmit information,… Read More