Netlist CDC. Why You Need it and How You do it.

Netlist CDC. Why You Need it and How You do it.
by Bernard Murphy on 08-25-2020 at 6:00 am

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The most obvious question here is “why do I need netlist CDC?” A lot of what you’re looking for in CDC analysis is really complex behaviors, like handshakes between different clock domains, correct gray coding in synchronizing FIFOs, eliminating quasi-static signals and the like. Deeply functional, system-level intent stuff.… Read More

Mentor-Tanner Illuminate MEMS Sensing, Fusion

Mentor-Tanner Illuminate MEMS Sensing, Fusion
by Bernard Murphy on 08-14-2019 at 6:00 am

I enjoy learning and writing about new technologies closely connected to our personal and working lives (the kind you could explain to your Mom or a neighbor). So naturally I’m interested in AI, communication and security as applied to the home automation, transportation, virtual, augmented and mixed reality, industry and so… Read More

Segmenting the Machine-Learning Hardware Market

Segmenting the Machine-Learning Hardware Market
by Bernard Murphy on 03-13-2019 at 12:00 pm

One of the great pleasures in what I do is to work with people who are working with people in some of the hottest design areas today. A second-level indirect to be sure but that gives me the luxury of taking a broad view. A recent discussion I had with Kurt Shuler (VP Marketing at Arteris IP) is in this class. As a conscientious marketing… Read More

Design Deconstruction

Design Deconstruction
by Bernard Murphy on 06-19-2017 at 7:00 am

It is self-evident that large systems of any type would not be possible without hierarchical design. Decomposing a large system objective into subsystems, and subsystems of subsystems, has multiple benefits. Smaller subsystems can be more easily understood and better tested when built, robust 3[SUP]rd[/SUP] party alternatives… Read More

IC Implementation Tool Gets a Rewrite, Now 10X Faster

IC Implementation Tool Gets a Rewrite, Now 10X Faster
by Daniel Payne on 03-24-2014 at 10:05 am

EDA start-up companies often have the advantage over established vendors by being able to start from scratch, instead of having to maintain some legacy code that no longer is competitive. But what happens when the established vendor decides to rewrite their IC implementation tools from scratch? In this case it’s good news,… Read More