PCIe design workflow debuts simulation-driven virtual compliance

PCIe design workflow debuts simulation-driven virtual compliance
by Don Dingee on 07-16-2024 at 6:00 am

PCIe classical workflow

PCIe design complexity continues rising as the standard for intrasystem communication evolves. An urgent need for more system bandwidth drives PCIe interconnects to multi-lane, multi-link, multi-level signaling. Classical PCIe design workflows leave designers with most of the responsibility for getting the requisite… Read More

Will my High-Speed Serial Link Work?

Will my High-Speed Serial Link Work?
by Daniel Payne on 04-30-2024 at 10:00 am

traditional flow min

PCB designers can perform pre-route simulations, follow layout and routing rules, hope for the best from their prototype fab, and yet design errors cause respins which delays the project schedule. Just because post-route analysis is time consuming doesn’t mean that it should be avoided. Serial links are found in many PCB designs,… Read More

DDR5 Design Approach with Clocked Receivers

DDR5 Design Approach with Clocked Receivers
by Daniel Payne on 06-20-2023 at 10:00 am

DFE min

At the DesignCon 2023 event this year there was a presentation by Micron all about DDR5 design challenges like the need for a Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) inside the DRAM. Siemens EDA and Micron teamed up to write a detailed 25 page white paper on the topic, and I was able to glean the top points for this much shorter blog. The DDR5… Read More

Cracking post-route Compliance Checking for High-Speed Serial Links with HyperLynx

Cracking post-route Compliance Checking for High-Speed Serial Links with HyperLynx
by Peter Bennet on 12-15-2022 at 6:00 am

hyperlynx flow

SemiWiki readers from a digital IC background might find it surprising that post-PCB route analysis for high speed serial links isn’t a routine and fully automated part of the board design process. For us, the difference between pre- and post-route verification is running a slightly more accurate extraction and adding SI modelling,… Read More