ESD Alliance Webinar: Hardware Fuzzing: What? Why? How?

ESD Alliance Webinar: Hardware Fuzzing: What? Why? How?
by Admin on 03-04-2025 at 7:01 pm

The ESD Alliance, a SEMI Technology Community, is hosting a webinar series, “Savage on Security,” moderated by Warren Savage, Researcher at University of Maryland, Applied Research Laboratory for Intelligence and Security.

Hardware is at the heart of computing systems. However, recent years have seen increased… Read More

CEO Interview: Andreas Kuehlmann of Tortuga Logic

CEO Interview: Andreas Kuehlmann of Tortuga Logic
by Bernard Murphy on 10-23-2020 at 6:00 am

CEO interview

You may remember Andreas from his time at Synopsys, where he led the new Software Integrity Business Unit. He joined Tortuga Logic a couple of months ago to lead the company. Given his background in software security, I was eager to get a CEO interview. Andreas is a EE with background at IBM in the PowerPC and EDA. He directed Cadence… Read More

What are you ready to mobilize for FPGA debug?

What are you ready to mobilize for FPGA debug?
by Frederic Leens on 12-04-2017 at 7:00 am

There are 3 common misconceptions about debugging FPGA with the real hardware:


  • Debugging happens because the engineers are incompetent.
  • FPGA debugging on hardware ‘wastes’ resources.
  • A single methodology should solve ALL the problems.
  • Read More

    A Software Company Making Hardware

    A Software Company Making Hardware
    by Daniel Payne on 08-08-2016 at 12:00 pm

    I’ve been a daily Facebook user for many years now and it keeps me in touch with family, friends, some business contacts and even a handful of high-tech companies. My first impression is that Facebook is a very successful, cloud-based, social platform staffed with software developers and a few marketing mavens. On closer… Read More

    CEO Insight: Transformation of Vayavya Labs into System Design Automation

    CEO Insight: Transformation of Vayavya Labs into System Design Automation
    by Pawan Fangaria on 05-12-2016 at 7:00 am

    With the advent of SoCs, design abstractions and verification has moved up at the system level. It’s imperative that EDA moves up the value chain to start design automation at system level. The System Design Automation will be the new face of EDA in coming years.… Read More

    Synopsys Did 90% of Business From Backlog with A Deal Length of 2.5 Years. Err…What Does That Mean?

    Synopsys Did 90% of Business From Backlog with A Deal Length of 2.5 Years. Err…What Does That Mean?
    by Paul McLellan on 08-27-2015 at 7:00 am

    Here is Trac Pham, Synopsys CFO, from last weeks earnings call:Greater than 90% of Q3 revenue came from beginning of quarter backlog…the weighted average duration of our renewable customer license commitments was about 2.5 years, and we expect duration for the full year to be about 2.7 years.

    What does that mean? Why does… Read More

    Secure Microprocessors the Andes Way

    Secure Microprocessors the Andes Way
    by Paul McLellan on 01-04-2015 at 7:00 am

    Microprocessor vendors such as Andes have been saying for some time that security requires extensive hardware support. In particular, embedded processors in intelligent sensors inside IoT chips are now popular targets for hackers, who find it easy to change the program code and system parameters to alter the operation of the… Read More