Why I made the world’s first on-demand formal verification course

Why I made the world’s first on-demand formal verification course
by Ashish Darbari on 04-18-2021 at 6:00 am

formal use model 2

Verification Challenge
As chip design complexity continues to grow astronomically with hardware accelerators running riot with the traditional hardware comprising CPUs, GPUs, networking and video and vision hardware, concurrency, control and coherency will dominate the landscape of verification complexity for safe … Read More

The Quiet Giant in Verification IP and More

The Quiet Giant in Verification IP and More
by Mike Gianfagna on 04-21-2020 at 10:00 am

SmartDV Market Coverage

In the technology industry, we’re all used to the hype about the latest and greatest. Semiconductor IP participates in the over-drive news cycle from time to time as well. So, when I see a company that has real, solid credentials but has resisted the temptation to over-hype, it gets my attention. I had an experience like this recently… Read More

Webinar: Finding Your Way Through Formal Verification

Webinar: Finding Your Way Through Formal Verification
by Bernard Murphy on 10-01-2019 at 6:00 am

Finding your way through formal book

Formal verification has always appeared daunting to me and I suspect to many other people also. Logic simulation feels like a “roll your sleeves up and get the job done” kind of verification, easily understood, accessible to everyone, little specialized training required. Formal methods for many years remained the domain of … Read More

Functional Verification using Formal on Million Gate Designs

Functional Verification using Formal on Million Gate Designs
by Daniel Payne on 04-10-2019 at 12:00 pm

Verification engineers are the unsung heroes making sure that our smart phone chips, smart watches and even smart cars function logically, without bugs or unintended behavior. Hidden bugs are important to uncover, but what approach is best suited for this challenge?

With the Universal Verification Methodology (UVM) there’s… Read More

Networking and Formal Verification

Networking and Formal Verification
by Bernard Murphy on 12-19-2017 at 7:00 am

I attended Oski’s latest Decoding Formal event a couple of weeks ago and again enjoyed a largely customer-centric view of the problems to which they apply formal, and their experiences in making it work for them (with Oski help of course). From an admittedly limited sample of two of these events, I find them very representative of… Read More

Adoption, Architecture and Origami

Adoption, Architecture and Origami
by Bernard Murphy on 10-03-2017 at 7:00 am

Last week I sat in on Oski’s latest in a series of “Decoding Formal” sessions. Judging by my first experience, they plan and manage these events very well. Not too long (~3 hours of talks), good food (DishDash), good customer content, a good forward-looking topic and a very entertaining wrap-up talk.… Read More

An InFormal Chat

An InFormal Chat
by Bernard Murphy on 06-05-2017 at 7:00 am

Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic, as the saying goes. Which is all very well when the purpose is entertainment or serving the arcane skills of a select priesthood, but it’s not a good way to grow a market. Then you want to dispel the magic aura, make the basic mechanics more accessible to a wider… Read More

Machine Learning – Turning Up the Sizzle in EDA

Machine Learning – Turning Up the Sizzle in EDA
by Bernard Murphy on 10-13-2016 at 7:00 am

There’s always a lot of activity in EDA to innovate and refine specialized algorithms in functional modeling, implementation, verification and many other aspects of design automation. But when Google, Facebook, Amazon, IBM and Microsoft are pushing AI, deep learning, Big Data and cloud technologies, it can be hard not to see… Read More

Michael Sanie Plays the Synopsys Verification Variations

Michael Sanie Plays the Synopsys Verification Variations
by Paul McLellan on 08-31-2015 at 7:00 am

I met Michael Sanie last week. He is in charge of verification marketing at Synopsys. I know him well since he worked for me at both VLSI Technology and Cadence. In fact his first job out of college was to take over support of VLSIextract (our circuit extractor), which I had written. But we are getting ahead.

Michael was born in Iran and… Read More

Synopsys Software Integrity: Find All the Bugs

Synopsys Software Integrity: Find All the Bugs
by Paul McLellan on 05-29-2015 at 9:30 am

A couple of days ago Synopsys announced that they were acquiring Quotium’s product Seeker. This is an interactive application security testing (IAST) product. Synopsys are acquiring the product and the R&D team, not the whole of Quotium. The Seeker solution is a pioneering solution for IAST that helps businesses find high-risk… Read More