Semiconductors – Limiting Factors; Supply Chain & Talent- Will Limit Stock Upside

Semiconductors – Limiting Factors; Supply Chain & Talent- Will Limit Stock Upside
by Robert Maire on 10-07-2021 at 6:00 am

Semiconductor shortage

– If chips are “as good as it gets” so are the stock prices
– Are we at a near term ceiling that stocks have bounced off of?
– If growth slows do valuations also slow?
– Are we in a holding pattern waiting for a down cycle?

Second order derivative investing

As we have said many times in the past, investors… Read More

Our US chip foundry comments confirmed by WSJ

Our US chip foundry comments confirmed by WSJ
by Robert Maire on 05-11-2020 at 10:00 am

Trump Intel TSMC China TAiwan

-Could GloFo come back?
-TSMC or Intel or both or neither?
-Samsung would be a long shot?
-Perhaps Apple could convince TSMC?

The Wall Street Journal put out an article that detailed what we had indicated in our newsletter 10 days ago, that the US government is looking at getting a US based foundry to protect our interests given our … Read More

GloFo dropping out of 7NM race?

GloFo dropping out of 7NM race?
by Robert Maire on 08-27-2018 at 12:00 pm

Could this be more bad news for semicap spend? Negative for US chip independence & AMD costs ? Rumors of Global Foundries dropping out of the 7NM race have been increasing rapidly. What could be a fatal blow to the GloFo 7NM program was AMD deciding to go with TSMC for 7NM first for one product and finally for its next generation CPUs.… Read More