Is it time for PCB auto-routing yet?

Is it time for PCB auto-routing yet?
by Daniel Payne on 06-04-2024 at 10:00 am

PCB routing min

PCB designers have been using manual routing for decades now, so when is it time to consider adding interactive routing technologies to become more productive? Manually routing traces to connect components will take time from a skilled team member and involves human judgement that will introduce errors. When a design change … Read More

Getting to EMC Compliance by Design

Getting to EMC Compliance by Design
by Bernard Murphy on 05-15-2019 at 7:00 am

At the risk of highlighting my abundant lack of expertise in the domain, I had always viewed EMC (electromagnetic compatibility) compliance and testing as one of those back-end exercises that can only be done on the real device and depends on a combination of expertise and brute-force in chip/package/module/system design (decaps,… Read More

Simulating ADAS

Simulating ADAS
by Bernard Murphy on 05-04-2017 at 7:00 am

Simulation is a broad technique spanning certainly digital logic and circuit simulation but also methods beyond these which are particularly relevant to ADAS design. In fact, much of the design of full ADAS systems begins and ends with these types of modeling. This is in part due to the need fully validate integrity and reliability… Read More

PCB Design Requires Both Speed and Accuracy of SI/PI Analysis

PCB Design Requires Both Speed and Accuracy of SI/PI Analysis
by Tom Dillinger on 04-04-2016 at 8:00 am

The prevailing industry trends are clear: (1) PCB and die package designs are becoming more complex, across both mobile and high-performance applications; (2) communication interface performance between chips (and their related protocols) is increasingly demanding to verify; (3) signal integrity and power integrity issues… Read More

Simulating Full-System EMI for a Car in Just 28 Minutes

Simulating Full-System EMI for a Car in Just 28 Minutes
by Bernard Murphy on 10-23-2015 at 8:00 pm

While there’s a lot of cool technology in modern semiconductors, it’s important to raise our sights periodically to understand how well these chips will work in the systems for which they are designed. One area driving a lot of semiconductor growth is automobile electronics. We’ve had drive-train control forever it seems, but… Read More

A Key Partner in the Semiconductor Ecosystem

A Key Partner in the Semiconductor Ecosystem
by Pawan Fangaria on 05-19-2015 at 5:00 pm

Often we hear about isolated instances of excellence from various companies in the semiconductor industry which contribute significantly in building the overall ecosystem. While the individual excellence is essential, it’s rather more important how that excellence is utilized in a larger way by the industry to create a ‘value… Read More

Innovative MIPI Display Solution for UHD Mobile Devices

Innovative MIPI Display Solution for UHD Mobile Devices
by Pawan Fangaria on 03-25-2015 at 7:00 pm

Today an SoC cannot be without multiple IP blocks integrated together in the most optimal manner. In such an environment, it’s natural that interoperability and configurability of an IP get prime considerations to achieve the best PPA (Power, Performance and Area) for the SoC containing that IP. While PPA is a basic criterion … Read More

A Comprehensive Power Analysis Solution for SoC+Package

A Comprehensive Power Analysis Solution for SoC+Package
by Pawan Fangaria on 09-08-2014 at 4:00 pm

Since power has become a critical factor in semiconductor chip design, the stress is towards decreasing supply voltage to reduce power consumption. However, the threshold voltage to switch devices cannot go down beyond a certain limit and these results in an extremely narrow margin for noise between the two. And that gets further… Read More

Mission Critical Role of Unmanned Systems – How to fulfill?

Mission Critical Role of Unmanned Systems – How to fulfill?
by Pawan Fangaria on 01-05-2014 at 11:30 am

Do we ever imagine what kind of severe challenges mission critical unmanned systems in air, land and underwater face? They are limited in space and size; have to be light in weight, flexible in different types of operations and at the same time rugged enough to work in extreme climatic conditions. That’s not enough; amidst these … Read More