COVID-19 and Semiconductors

COVID-19 and Semiconductors
by Bill Jewell on 03-18-2020 at 10:00 am

COVID 19 and semiconductors SemiWiki

The threat of COVID-19 (coronavirus) is continuing to spread. As of March 17, the World Health Organization (WHO) reported 179,111 confirmed cases and 7,426 deaths. WHO declared COVID-19 a pandemic as of March 11. Many countries have imposed severe restrictions to slow the spread of the disease, ranging from banning of large … Read More

The Tech Week that was January 13-17 2020

The Tech Week that was January 13-17 2020
by Mark Dyson on 01-19-2020 at 10:00 am

Semiconductor Weekly Summary 1

In a week where the “phase 1” trade deal between US and China was finally signed, here is all the key news from the semiconductor and technology sector around the world.

After 2 years of an ever increasing trade war, the US and China have signed the so called Phase 1 deal aimed at reducing trade frictions.

Just as important as what is … Read More

Equipment Down 16% in 2012, Flat to Down in 2013

Equipment Down 16% in 2012, Flat to Down in 2013
by Bill Jewell on 12-22-2012 at 8:30 pm

Shipments of semiconductor manufacturing equipment have been trending downward since June 2012, based on combined data from SEMI for North American and European manufacturers and from SEAJ for Japanese manufacturers. The market bounced back strongly in late 2009 and in 2010 after the 2008 downturn to return to the $3 billionRead More