Synopsys is First IP Provider with a Complete CXL Implementation Available

Synopsys is First IP Provider with a Complete CXL Implementation Available
by Randy Smith on 09-11-2019 at 12:00 pm

Synopsys just announced the availability of their IP solution supporting CXL (Compute Express Link). This new protocol is going to be an important component for several applications expected to be shipping starting in 2021. CXL is an alternate protocol that runs on the same physical layer as PCI Express (PCIe). Among other usages,… Read More

Deal Struck for Sale of Toshiba NAND to Bain Apple and Others

Deal Struck for Sale of Toshiba NAND to Bain Apple and Others
by Robert Maire on 10-01-2017 at 12:00 pm

What does it mean for the skyrocketing memory sector? In a last minute plot twist, Bain capital appears to be the winner in the auction of the Toshiba memory unit. The Bain consortium includes a strange cast of characters including Apple, Dell, Seagate, Kingston Technology, Innovation Network Corp of Japan and Development Bank… Read More

Five Reasons to be More Bullish on a 2016 Commercial PC Refresh

Five Reasons to be More Bullish on a 2016 Commercial PC Refresh
by Patrick Moorhead on 03-01-2016 at 10:00 pm

Last week’s IDC and Gartner Q4-2015 report on PC sales sent a shock-wave through the industry. The stock market responded with a sell-off of major PC-related names like Advanced Micro Devices, HP Inc. (fka Hewlett-Packard), Intel, Lenovo, and NVIDIA. While I was disappointed in the Q4 numbers, I also have a good grasp of what was… Read More

Slinging Stones at the Data Center Semi Goliaths

Slinging Stones at the Data Center Semi Goliaths
by Maury Wood on 12-18-2015 at 7:00 am

For those not aware, there is quite a battle brewing in data center wired communication segment (across which most wireless data traffic traverses). A primary impetus driving the competitive positioning is the recent commercial availability of single lane 25 Gbps serdes (serializer / deserializer) channels in 28 nm CMOS from… Read More

ANSYS Electronics Simulation Expo – A View from Industry

ANSYS Electronics Simulation Expo – A View from Industry
by Pawan Fangaria on 10-24-2014 at 7:30 am

As we are seeing more and more automation in most of our activities, not only through software but also smart electronics (at cutting-edge technologies) equipped with processors, micro-controllers, sensors and so on which make a whole system as an integrated entity on a small piece of semiconductor intertwined with other systems… Read More

Dear Meg, HP is Still a Goner

Dear Meg, HP is Still a Goner
by Ed McKernan on 10-11-2012 at 9:30 pm

A year ago, Meg Whitman decided it was time to venture back into the business world by grabbing onto the HP CEO baton from a badly wounded Leo Apotheker. What for? My best guess is to enter the Pantheon of Great Turnaround CEOs of failing companies, best exemplified by the work of Lou Gerstner with IBM in the early 1990s. It comes too late… Read More

Apple Will Build In America

Apple Will Build In America
by Ed McKernan on 05-31-2012 at 8:10 pm

As Apple races towards $200B in revenue, sometime in 2013 and perhaps $300B by 2015, Tim Cook knows it is in Apple’s best interests to start building a sizeable percentage of iPhones and iPADs in the US and soon. At the All Things D conference this week, Walt Mossberg asked Cook about Apple’s manufacturing presence in China and “if … Read More

Microsoft’s New Tablet Strategy: Here, There and Everywhere

Microsoft’s New Tablet Strategy: Here, There and Everywhere
by Ed McKernan on 12-03-2011 at 10:33 am

As mentioned in a previous post, Microsoft has started to come clean on its software strategy as it relates to Windows 8 for PCs and Tablets. The strategy has been changing quite rapidly since their first admission in September. Essentially the Windows 8 O/S will be forked based on whether the mobile device is operating on an x86 or… Read More

HP Will Farm Out Server Business to Intel

HP Will Farm Out Server Business to Intel
by Ed McKernan on 09-04-2011 at 7:36 pm

In a Washington Post Column this past Sunday, Barry Ritholtz, A Wall St. Money Manager and who has a blog called the Big Picture, recounts the destruction that Apple has inflicted on a wide swath of technology companies (see And then there were none). He calls it “creative destruction writ large.” Ritholtz though is only accounting… Read More