Transient Noise Analysis (TNA)

Transient Noise Analysis (TNA)
by Rupindermand on 04-29-2013 at 4:21 pm

Tanner EDA Applications Engineers see a broad range of technical challenges that our users are trying to overcome. Here’s one worth sharing – it deals with transient noise analysis (TNA) for a comparator design. The customer is a producer of advanced flow measurement devices for application in medicine and research. The designer… Read More

Atrenta, Forte and Jasper LOVE DAC

Atrenta, Forte and Jasper LOVE DAC
by Paul McLellan on 04-16-2013 at 8:20 pm

I LOVE DAC is back. This year the sponsors are Atrenta, Jasper and Forte (hey, all semiwiki subscribers). The way it works is that you register on the DAC website here and you get a free three-day exhibit pass. In addition to everything going on in the exhibit hall, including the pavilion panels held there, the pass also gives access… Read More

Design Automation Conference: Go For It!

Design Automation Conference: Go For It!
by Paul McLellan on 03-29-2013 at 5:35 pm

The conference program for DAC is now live here including the conference itself, keynotes, some other special tracks, the pavilion panels and more. And the must-see panel is on emulation at 4pm on Tuesday afternoon moderated by…well, that would be me so I’m a bit biased.

Registration is now open here for both attendees… Read More

Going to DAC 2013 in Austin? The Country’s Best Barbecue is a 20 Minute Walk

Going to DAC 2013 in Austin? The Country’s Best Barbecue is a 20 Minute Walk
by Paul McLellan on 01-30-2013 at 8:05 pm

Going to DAC? I just booked my plane ticket last weekend since flights from the Bay Area to wherever DAC is are so often overbooked. It’s in Austin this year in case you’ve been living under a rock. There are lots of reasons to go, from the academic conference to the world’s biggest EDA exhibition. And here is one … Read More

DAC: It’s the Last Week for Many Submissions

DAC: It’s the Last Week for Many Submissions
by Paul McLellan on 10-19-2012 at 2:36 pm

The deadline is coming up at the end of next week (technically on Monday October 29th for those of you who like real brinkmanship) for several aspects of DAC (not submission of papers for the conference itself) but most of the less academic-oriented things.

Proposals for:

  • Special Sessions
  • Tutorials
  • Panel sessions (in the conference
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Kaufman Award Dinner at 50th DAC in Austin

Kaufman Award Dinner at 50th DAC in Austin
by Paul McLellan on 10-16-2012 at 8:05 pm

In past years the Kaufman award, the most prestigious in EDA, has been announced around September and presented during a dinner in October or November in Silicon Valley. EDAC and CEDA, the sponsors of the award, have just announced that this time the award dinner will take place in Austin at the 50th DAC following the early Sunday … Read More