Jasper Customer Videos

Jasper Customer Videos
by Paul McLellan on 07-25-2012 at 2:28 pm

Increasingly at DAC and other shows, EDA companies such as Jasper are having their customers present their experiences with the products. Everyone has seen marketing people present wonderful visions of the future that turn out not to materialize. But a customer speaking about their own experiences has a credibility that an EDA… Read More

Chip Synthesis at DAC

Chip Synthesis at DAC
by Paul McLellan on 06-27-2012 at 8:30 pm

I visited Oasys Design Systems and talked to Craig Robbins, their VP sales. For the first time this year, Oasys has a theater presentations and demos of RealTime Designer which are open to anyone attending the show. In previous years, they have had suite demos for appropriately qualified potential customers but outside they have… Read More

Mike Muller’s ARM Keynote at DAC 2012

Mike Muller’s ARM Keynote at DAC 2012
by Paul McLellan on 06-21-2012 at 7:30 pm

Mike Muller’s keynote focused on a lot of changes since the ARM1 was designed in 1983 when ARM the company did not exist and ARM was the next generation processor for Acorn Computer, which was really in the hobby market and had its first boost when they had a contract to design the BBC Microcomputer to go along with a computer literacy… Read More

Partitioning Panel

Partitioning Panel
by Paul McLellan on 06-06-2012 at 4:53 pm

I moderated a panel on partitioning today and I have to say that I learned some things. The panelists were Jonathan DeMent from IBM, Santosh Santosh from NVIDIA and Hao Nham of eSilicon. Considering the different types of designs being done their approach to partitioning and the reasons for doing so were very similar.

When you first… Read More

Belle Wei Receives Marie Pistilli Award and is Interviewed

Belle Wei Receives Marie Pistilli Award and is Interviewed
by Paul McLellan on 06-04-2012 at 7:36 pm

Today at DAC Belle Wei received the Marie Pistilli Award, presented to her by Patrick Groeneveld the DAC chair (and flowers from DAC via Chi-Foon Chan, now co-ceo of Synopsys). She was then interviewed by Daya Nadamuni.

Her father was a military general in China and in 1949 in the revolution her family fled to Taiwan where she was born.… Read More

Spyglass by Atrenta

Spyglass by Atrenta
by Paul McLellan on 06-03-2012 at 4:27 pm

I’ve been helping get booths set up at DAC in Moscone for the last couple of days. Atrenta’s booth shows their new branding that I talked about last week. Now you can see what they are doing in this picture of their booth. As I sort of guessed they are leading with the Spyglass name. The booth says everywhere “Spyglass… Read More

DAC: Advice for Out-of-towners

DAC: Advice for Out-of-towners
by Paul McLellan on 06-01-2012 at 6:53 pm

I blogged several times over the last few weeks about places in San Francisco other than DAC at the Moscone Center. Since they are now spread all over the site it is not so easy to find them. So here they are again all in one place.

Places to eat and drink near the Moscone center

Interesting San Francisco bars

Where to get the best coffeeRead More

DAC: there’s an App for that

DAC: there’s an App for that
by Paul McLellan on 06-01-2012 at 5:00 pm

Bill Deegan has produced a new version of his iPhone DAC app for this years conference. You can download it for free from the Apple App Store here. It is basically a mobile version of the DAC conference brochure with schedules for the various events (which it can add to your calendar if you decide you are interested) and the floorplan… Read More