Arm Deliver Their Next Step in Infrastructure

Arm Deliver Their Next Step in Infrastructure
by Bernard Murphy on 03-08-2019 at 7:00 am

Arm announced their Neoverse plans not long ago at TechCon 2018. Neoverse is a brand, launched by Arm, to provide the foundations for cloud to edge infrastructure in support of their vision of a trillion edge devices. To a cynic this might sound like marketing hype. Sure, they’re widely used in communications infrastructure and… Read More

Eta Compute Receives Two Awards from ARM at TechCon

Eta Compute Receives Two Awards from ARM at TechCon
by Tom Simon on 11-19-2018 at 7:00 am

Many startups set out with the goal of accomplishing a technical feat that was previously considered impossible. Quite frankly most do not succeed. Yet, occasionally a company comes along that succeeds with a game changing breakthrough. ETA Compute has done just this. Yet, even more impressively, this 3-year-old company has… Read More