Webinar: RF design success hinges on enhanced models and accurate simulation

Webinar: RF design success hinges on enhanced models and accurate simulation
by Don Dingee on 02-19-2025 at 10:00 am

Modelithics 3D Library for RFPro increases the chances for RF design success

Traditional RF board design strategies based on circuit simulation worked at lower frequencies and relatively large spacing between components. Higher frequencies and densification dominate RF designs now, where corresponding wider bandwidths and tighter layouts with closely spaced components produce more complex 3D… Read More

CEO Interview: Jason Xing of Empyrean Software

CEO Interview: Jason Xing of Empyrean Software
by Daniel Payne on 04-24-2020 at 10:00 am


It’s been about seven years since Randy Smith last interviewed Jason Xing, the President/CEO of North America for Empyrean Software, so the timing felt good for a fresh update. I’ve been watching Empyrean at DAC for several years now, and have come away impressed with their growth and focus on some difficult IC design… Read More

Circuit Simulation Videos Show How To

Circuit Simulation Videos Show How To
by Daniel Payne on 10-13-2016 at 4:00 pm

One of the things that I miss most about attending trade shows like DAC in the old days was that you actually got to see EDA tools being demonstrated live in the exhibit area. You could see what the GUI looked like, how the dialogs worked, and learn what kind of control you could have during analysis. Most of what you see today at DAC in the… Read More

How 16nm and 14nm FinFETs Require New SPICE Simulators

How 16nm and 14nm FinFETs Require New SPICE Simulators
by Daniel Payne on 02-07-2016 at 7:00 am

About 35 years ago the first commercial SPICE circuit simulators emerged and they were quickly put to work helping circuit designers predict the timing and power of 6um NMOS designs. Then we had to limit our circuit simulations to just hundreds of transistors and interconnect elements to fit into the RAM and complete simulation… Read More

Replacing the British Museum Algorithm

Replacing the British Museum Algorithm
by Paul McLellan on 09-14-2015 at 7:00 am

In principle, one way to address variation is to do simulations at lots of PVT corners. In practice, most of this simulation is wasted since it adds no new information, and even so, important corners will get missed. This is what Sifuei Ku of Microsemi calls the British Museum Algorithm. You walk everywhere. And if you don’t walk to… Read More

Silvaco at the TSMC 2014 Open Innovation Platform

Silvaco at the TSMC 2014 Open Innovation Platform
by Daniel Payne on 10-31-2014 at 7:00 am

The success of our semiconductor eco-system depends on collaboration, so the annual TSMC OIP Event just held on September 30 at the San Jose Convention Center was a prime example of that. I didn’t attend this year, but I did follow up with Amit Nandaof Silvaco this week to hear about what they presented. As a consultant I’ve… Read More

What’s New with Circuit Simulation for Cadence?

What’s New with Circuit Simulation for Cadence?
by Daniel Payne on 06-26-2014 at 11:53 am

Every year at DAC I enjoy making the rounds to see what’s new with SPICE circuit simulators, so on June 3rd I met with Xiuya Liand Dan Zhuof Cadence in San Francisco to get an update about their Spectre tool. There’s plenty of competition in the SPICE area from Mentor Graphics (Analog FastSPICE, Eldo, ADiT), Synopsys … Read More