The Auto Industry Speaks @ Renesas DevCon

The Auto Industry Speaks @ Renesas DevCon
by Holly Stump on 10-23-2012 at 9:00 pm

This year’s Renesas DevCon in Orange County, CA kicked off yesterday with an impressive lineup of speakers, record attendance, and an increased focus on automotive.

TheAuto Industry Speaks,” an Expert Panel organized by Martin Bakerof Renesas, featured:

  • Yoichi Yano, RenesasExecutive VP and Member of the Board, who early
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Converge in Detroit

Converge in Detroit
by Paul McLellan on 09-30-2012 at 10:04 pm

When I worked for VaST we went to a show that I’d never heard of in EDA: SAE Convergence (SAE is the Society of Automotive Engineers). It is held once every two years and it focuses on transportation electronics, primarily automotive although there did seem to be some aerospace stuff there too. This is an even year, Convergence… Read More

Genevi, isn’t that a city in Switzerland?

Genevi, isn’t that a city in Switzerland?
by Paul McLellan on 06-14-2012 at 8:05 pm

I got an email from Mentor Embedded this morning about a webinar on Implementing a GENIVI-compliant System. I have to admit I had no idea what GENIVI is, which surprised me. I spent several years working in the embedded space and so I usually have at least a 50,000 foot view of most things going on there. One reason for my ignorance is … Read More