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I concluded my last post on the topic with an inventory of the key attributes needed to fill the ASIC void created by the relentless consolidation in semiconductors. There were five items, as follows:
- Design and manufacturing expertise in a market that requires custom chips
- Differentiating IP and the skills to integrate it into
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It started slowly at first. Then it began picking up steam. I’m referring to consolidation in the semiconductor sector. I had a front-row seat for what consolidation did to the ASIC part of semiconductor and that is the topic of this discussion. I was the VP of marketing at eSilicon, the company that invented the fabless ASIC model.… Read More
According to a recent study by ARM, more than one trillion IoT devices will be built between 2017 and 2035. Based on research for an upcoming book on IoT devices and looking at SemiWiki IoT analytics I find that number to be reasonable, in fact, easily attainable. Even more interesting, the market for IoT devices and related services… Read More