Are Semi Equipment Stocks & Industry Rolling Over?
Is there any Upside in the second half of 2015?
Waiting for next years iPhone 7 refresh?
Does Windows 10 even matter?
“Sell in May and Go Away”
An old investor’s adage that has proven correct this year. The Semiconductor Equipment stocks seemed to have had… Read More
Tag: amat
AMAT Earnings Call: Next Generation FinFETs?
The Applied Materials earnings call was last week. As usual I”m not all that interested in the financial details of the quarter and I’m certainly not the person to pick whether the stock is going to go up or down in the immediate future. However, there is always interesting information to be gleaned from the semiconductor… Read More
The Semiconductor Landscape – III
In continuation to my earlier observations and anticipations (landscape1, landscape2) which came up to my expectations, I was further inspired to ponder over the macros of our ever growing semiconductor industry. We may argue the business is stagnating, we may argue that the pace of scaling is slowing, but when I look back at the… Read More