Deep Learning: Diminishing Returns?

Deep Learning: Diminishing Returns?
by Bernard Murphy on 07-12-2018 at 7:00 am

Deep learning (DL) has become the oracle of our age – the universal technology we turn to for answers to almost any hard problem. This is not surprising; its strength in image and speech recognition, language processing and multiple other domains amaze and shock us, to the point that we’re now debating AI singularities. But then,… Read More

The Wolper Method

The Wolper Method
by Bernard Murphy on 06-20-2018 at 11:00 am

If you read around topics in advanced formal verification you’re likely to run into something called Wolper coloring, or what Vigyan Singhal (Chief Oski at Oski) calls the Wolper method. Many domains have specialized techniques but what’s surprising in this instance is a seeming absence of helpful on-line explanations (though… Read More

Tutorial on Advanced Formal: NVIDIA and Qualcomm

Tutorial on Advanced Formal: NVIDIA and Qualcomm
by Bernard Murphy on 04-03-2018 at 7:00 am

I recently posted a blog on the first half of a tutorial Synopsys hosted at DVCon (2018). This blog covers the second half of that 3½ hour event (so you can see why I didn’t jam it all into one blog :D. The general theme was on advanced use models, the first half covering use of invariants and induction and views from a Samsung expert on efficient… Read More

An Informal Update

An Informal Update
by Bernard Murphy on 10-05-2017 at 7:00 am

I mentioned back in June that Synopsys had launched a blog on formal verification, intended to demystify the field and provide help in understanding key concepts. It’s been a few months, time to check in on some of their more recent posts.

First up, it feels like they are finding their groove. Relaxed style, useful topics but now with… Read More

A song of optimization and reuse

A song of optimization and reuse
by Don Dingee on 07-01-2014 at 10:00 am

If you hang around engineers for any time at all, the word optimization is bound to come up. The very definition of engineer is to contrive or devise a solution. With that anointing, most engineers are beholden to the idea that their job is creating, synthesizing, and perfecting a solution specifically for the needs of a unique situation.… Read More

Scan the horizon, P1687 takes us higher

Scan the horizon, P1687 takes us higher
by Don Dingee on 07-31-2013 at 6:00 pm

The tech standards cycle almost always goes like this: Problems or limits develop with the existing way of doing things. Innovators attempt to engineer solutions, usually many of them. Chaos ensues when customers figure out nothing new works with anything else. Competitors sit down and agree on a specification where things work… Read More