Does SMIC have 7nm and if so, what does it mean

Does SMIC have 7nm and if so, what does it mean
by Scotten Jones on 09-07-2022 at 10:00 am

SMIC 7nm

Recently TechInsights analyzed a Bitcoin Miner chip fabbed at SMIC and declared SMIC has a 7nm process. There has been some debate as to whether the SMIC process is really 7nm and what it means if it is 7nm. I wanted to discuss the case for and against the process being 7nm, and what I think it means.

First off, I want to say I am not going … Read More

APR Tool Gets a Speed Boost and Uses Less RAM

APR Tool Gets a Speed Boost and Uses Less RAM
by Daniel Payne on 10-18-2021 at 10:00 am


Automatic Place and Route (APR) tools have been around since the 1980s for IC design teams to use, and before that routing was done manually by very patient layout designers. Initially the big IDMs had their own internal CAD groups coding APR tools in house, but eventually the commercial EDA market picked up this automation area,… Read More