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Apache Power Artist Capabilities I

Apache Power Artist Capabilities I
by Paul McLellan on 12-06-2012 at 2:05 pm

I sat down last week with Paul Traynar who was over from UK. He is Apache’s PowerArtist guru. The first thing we talked about was PowerArtist’s sequential power reduction capabilities.

Forward propagation of enables means that when a register is clock gated and feeds a downstream register then that register can be… Read More

Intel Taps The Debt Market: Should They Go Private?

Intel Taps The Debt Market: Should They Go Private?
by Ed McKernan on 12-06-2012 at 9:25 am

Intel’s ability this week to raise $6B in debt at rock bottom interest rates should give one a moment to pause and consider what this portends for the future of the company and whether it remains in public hands. We live in extraordinary times where a fiscally excessive government can sell 10 year treasuries at 1.6% and the largest … Read More

A Brief History of the Fabless Semiconductor Ecosystem

A Brief History of the Fabless Semiconductor Ecosystem
by Daniel Nenni on 12-05-2012 at 7:00 pm

Clearly the fabless semiconductor ecosystem is driving the semiconductor industry and is responsible for both the majority of the innovation and the sharp decline in consumer electronics costs we have experienced. By definition, a fabless semiconductor company does not have to spend the time and money on manufacturing related… Read More

Microprocessor Test and Verification 2012

Microprocessor Test and Verification 2012
by Paul McLellan on 12-05-2012 at 5:43 pm

Next week December 10-12th is the Microprocessor Test and Verification (MTV 2012) which is in Austin Texas (as DAC will be next year, of course). After lunch on Monday there is a panel session on the effectiveness of virtual prototyping entitled When simulation suffices, who needs FPGA or emulation? Bill Neifert, the CTO of Carbon… Read More

Formal Analysis of Security Data Paths

Formal Analysis of Security Data Paths
by Paul McLellan on 12-05-2012 at 5:07 pm

One challenge with security in systems is to ensure that there are not backdoors, either accidentally or maliciously inserted. Intel, ARM and others have various forms of trusted execution technology. Under the hood these are implemented by dividing the design into two parts, normal and secure, and implementing them with physical… Read More

Patents: Who to Sue?

Patents: Who to Sue?
by Paul McLellan on 12-05-2012 at 12:52 pm

In an interview (probably $) with the Wall Street Journal, Eric Schmidt, the chairman (and ex-CEO) of Google, said:“The adult way to run a business is to run it more like a country. They have disputes, yet they’ve actually been able to have huge trade with each other. They’re not sending bombs at each other. … It’s extremely curious… Read More

Double Patterning Exposed!

Double Patterning Exposed!
by SStalnaker on 12-04-2012 at 7:15 pm

Wanna become the double patterning guru at your company? David Abercrombie, DFM Program Manager for Calibre, has written a series of articles detailing the multifaceted impacts of double patterning on advanced node design and verification. For designers struggling to understand the complexity and nuances of double patterning,Read More

SystemC vs C++ for High Level Synthesis

SystemC vs C++ for High Level Synthesis
by Paul McLellan on 12-04-2012 at 4:00 pm

One of the decisions that needs to be made when using high-level synthesis (HLS) in general and Catapult in particular is what language to use as input. The choice is C++ or SystemC. Of course at some level SystemC is C++ with added libraries and templates, but in fact the semantics of the two languages end up being very different.

The… Read More

An FPGA Design Flow with Aldec Tools

An FPGA Design Flow with Aldec Tools
by Daniel Payne on 12-04-2012 at 12:19 pm

I’ve used FPGA vendor-supplied tools from both Xilinxand Lattice Semibefore, so I wanted to see what EDA tools Aldec has to offer for FPGA design. I read the Aldecwhite paper, Corporate Standardization of FPGA Design Flow, and summarize what I found.… Read More

Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide: Design Management

Mixed-Signal Methodology Guide: Design Management
by Daniel Payne on 12-04-2012 at 11:04 am

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I reviewed the book Mixed-Signal Methodology Guidein August of this year published by Cadence, and decided to follow up with one of the authors, Michael Henrie from ClioSoft, to learn more about the importance of Design Management for AMS. Michael is a Software Engineering Manager at ClioSoft and has worked at Zarlink Semi, Legerity,… Read More