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We cover the Semiconductor Industry so you don’t have to!

We cover the Semiconductor Industry so you don’t have to!
by Daniel Nenni on 05-08-2015 at 2:00 pm

The media landscape is changing faster than ever before. I don’t really think we have more news to cover but there sure are more people covering it and even more news outlets are coming. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, SnapChat, etc… news will be coming at us faster and from more directions than ever before. It’s not a bad thing but there are sure to be continued business model crashes and shakeouts.

The SemiWiki business model has not changed since we started five years ago. We are a blog site and what bloggers do is distill information using our experience, observations, and opinions. For example: Sometimes we download a ten page white paper and distill it down to a 600 word summary with a link to the paper for further investigation. Same thing with live events and webinars, we attend them and summarize what we feel are the salient points.

All of our postings are up for discussion and that is why we call SemiWiki “The Open Forum for Semiconductor Professionals.” As a member you can comment on blogs, participate in forum discussions, and create or edit wikis. You can also add events to our public calendar. SemiWiki is now and has always been about crowdsourcing, absolutely.

If a SemiWiki membership is not your thing you can follow our LinkedIn company pageor you can join our LinkedIn Group. You can also follow us on Twitter, FaceBook or Google+ (buttons on top right of page).

You may also have noticed SemiWiki publishes books. Our first book “Fabless: The Transformation of the Semiconductor Industry” was released last year. A book on the history of ARM will be published later this year and we already have our next book project scoped out for 2016.

You should also know that the SemiWiki bloggers have day jobs which is an important part of our business model. We are consultants within the fabless semiconductor ecosystem performing a wide range of services. There are eight of us now: Daniel Nenni, Paul McLellan, Daniel Payne, Eric Esteve, Don Dingee, Pawan Fangaria, Tom Simon, and Majeed Ahmad Kamran. Please click on the names to see our LinkedIn profiles for more information about us.

And what does all of this SemiWiki work get us? Based on the hours we put into it; minimum wage plus full access to the fabless semiconductor ecosystem from top to bottom, totally worth it!

The one thing that has changed about SemiWiki is our analytics. According to Google Universal Analytics, more than 1,429,784 “Users” have spent time on SemiWiki. By “Users” Google means devices, and by device it is 76% desktop, 19% phone, and 5% tablet. Personally I use a laptop, tablet, and phone so I’m guessing most people do the same, more or less. Google also details the different browsers: Number one is Google Chrome (47%) then Firefox (18%) and the rest. The majority of the mobile devices are Apple (iPhone 36.25% – iPad 17.50%), the rest are mostly Samsung.

SemiWiki.com Statistics:
Threads 5,099
Posts 19,902
Server Load Averages 45,262 Users Online

Based on a highly scientific algorithm (my best guess) the amount of actual people that have visited SemiWiki is 608,527. Probably the most surprising analytics are the gender and age demographics which I now monitor via new memberships and feel they are right on target:

  • Male 88.75%
  • Female 11.25%


  • 24-34 29.59%
  • 35-44 24.65%
  • 45-54 23.53%
  • 55-64 8.75%
  • 18-24 7.44%
  • 65+ 6.04%


  • United States 45%
  • India 8%
  • Taiwan 7%
  • Germany 4%
  • France 4%
  • United Kingdom 4%
  • Japan 3%
  • Canada 2%
  • South Korea 2%
  • Singapore 2%
  • Netherlands 1%
  • China 1%
  • Isreal 1%
  • Italy 1%
  • Russia 1%


  • Organic Search 34%
  • Direct 30%
  • Referral 26%

    Feedback is always welcome and we take blog requests, just let us know what topics you are interested in and we will do our best to cover them.

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