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Call for ERSA Sponsorship: International Gathering for Application Developers!

Call for ERSA Sponsorship: International Gathering for Application Developers!
by Daniel Nenni on 03-05-2012 at 9:53 pm

International Gathering for Application Developers!
Commercial & Academic
July 16-19, 2012, Las Vegas, USA

 The information age continues to surprise and challenge us all in the fast pace of evolving technology. Whether it be in health information, mobile devices, sensor grids, business analytics, cyber-security or scientific research, the new applications of computing technology continue to amaze with the possibilities. Reconfigurable computing is no exception to these changing times, and we are reaching out to seek your support and sponsorship for the Engineering Reconfigurable Systems and Algorithms (ERSA) conference held annually in July as part of the international WorldComp conferences.

 Currently, ERSA conference is in his turning point. Previously, being an academically oriented conference, now, since this year, ERSA starts to incorporate a new emphasis, adding the critical dimension of commercial applications and development to its program; it is ERSA Industrial Session, ERSA-IS. The longer-term aim is to establish the Industrial Session (ERSA-IS) “International Gathering for Application Developers” with more than thousand attendees and tens of companies.

 As opportunities for reconfigurable technology continues to evolve, with it be advances in FPGA technology, opportunities for low-power hybrid mobile computing, or challenges for ultra-efficient exascale computing, the need is now more than ever for a conference that bridges both leading-edge thinking with practical application. ERSA-IS provides a forum between academic researchers and commercial entrepreneurs from developed countries and emerging economic markets.

ERSA brings together the range of stakeholders key to successful research, development and commercialization of reconfigurable technologies. Working closely with OpenFPGA, ERSA is developing a broad and sustaining international base of support for translation of reconfigurable innovation to commercial return on investment. Supporters and sponsors of ERSA will see benefits through:

Added visibility of products and advances – Sponsors have the opportunity to speak directly with those most interested in using their technologies. Through advance publicity, visibility of the company is raised significantly in the reconfigurable, heterogeneous (CPU plus FPGA), embedded, high-performance systems market on a global scale.

Lead positions in shaping the future– At higher levels of commitment, sponsors have the opportunity to secure key positions to help guide the future of the ERSA conference. Your commitment also helps to confirm reconfigurable computing as a technology for the future.

Enhanced competitive positioning– As part of WorldComp and the attraction of several thousand thought leaders from across the globe, sponsorship in ERSA provides a significant edge in positioning an organization for business in emerging markets.

We are asking for your support through participation and commitment through sponsorship of ERSA in any of several levels summarized at the end of this letter. Your sponsorship of ERSA is not only appreciated, but is key to the continued growth of the reconfigurable, heterogeneous computing industry sector as the true value of highly-efficient computing continues to enlighten new opportunities.

ERSA and ERSA-IS Sponsorship Level Details

Bronze Level ($2,500)
Silver Level ($5,000)
Gold Level ($10,000)
Platinum Level ($20,000)
Super Platinum Level Available
Full sponsorship details on all levels available at
For more information, contact Dr. Toomas Plaks at org@ersaconf.org

Also available is Vital Statistics for ERSA and WorldCompat

With kindest regards,

Toomas Plaks,
Founder, ERSA Chair

Daniel Nenni
ERSA Industrial Co-Chair,
Founder, The Semiconductor Wiki Project

Eric Stahlberg
Member ERSA Industrial Board
President, OpenFPGA

Steven Guccione,
Member ERSA Industrial Board
Technology Manager, Bank of America, USA

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