July 16-19, 2012, Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas , Nevada , USA
ERSA-News: ERSA-NEWS ERSA’12 Website: http://ersaconf.org/ersa12
CALL for Papers, Industrial Sessions, Demos, Exhibitions,…
Øacademic papers: March 12, 2012
Øindustrial papers: April 1, 2012
In 2012, ERSA emphasise the commercial and industrial challenges in reconfigurable technology
ERSA’12 consists of two parts:
- ERSA Academic
- ERSA Industrial Session, or Developers Forum
Make your proposals for dedicated sections (both, academic and industrial), discussion sessions, exhibitions, demos, presentations, seminars, tutorials, etc.
Note, each session may have academic and developer’s sections; it is most appreciated.
For more details, please contact by email: inf@ersaconf.org
Send your proposal by email: inf@ersaconf.org or visit ERSA-IS Registrationwebsite
·Submissions of Academic Papers: March 12, 2012
·Submissions of Industrial Papers: April 1, 2012
- Notification of Acceptance: April, 12, 2012
- Camera-Ready Papers: April 26, 2012
Sponsor ERSA, raise your visibility, and show your support for advancing reconfigurable systems algorithms and systems in both academic and commercial applications!
Add your Comments and Posts:
ØVisit ERSA at SemiWiki and add your post: http://www.semiwiki.com/forum/f2/international-conference-engineering-reconfigurable-systems-algorithms-1201.html
ØIf you have any proposals and/or comments, please make these on “ERSA Registration & Proposals for ERSA-IS” page at: http://ersaconf.org/ersa-news/ersa-is-pre-reg.php
ERSA Industrial Session: ERSA-IS
“Premier International Gathering for Commercial and Academic Reconfigurable Computing Application Developers”
ERSA Industrial Session is to assemble a coordinated research and commercial meeting held in same location and dates. It provides a forum between academic researchers and commercial entrepreneurs from developed countries and emerging economic markets.
ERSA is a part of WORLDCOMP Congress bringing together more than 2,200 attendees from over 85 countriesover the world. Companies, participating at ERSA/WORLDCOMP, get their products and organizations in front of this number of attendees and countries.
This something that is very expensive to do any other way. It provides a meaningful return on investment(or cost savings) that companies can evaluate – trading off one or two expensive trips for one trip and sponsorship of ERSA-IS at WORLDCOMP.
Prospective authors are invited to submit an electronic copy of a full academic or industrial paper to:
ACADEMIC TRACK: reviewed and evaluated for academic content and contribution. Submitted papers must be original, unpublished work, not currently submitted for publication or for consideration elsewhere. ERSA Conference Academic track does not accept submissions of overview papers.
INDUSTRIAL TRACT: reviewed and evaluated for strong industrial/technical content and contribution
NOTE: Industrial track is not a back door for accepting weak academic papers
Submit a full paper, formatted as IEEE two-column transaction paper in PDF to sub@ersaconf.org
Regular paper: up to 7 pages; short paper: 4 pages; poster: 2 pages
Paper must be submitted with cover letter, visit also ERSA’11 guidelines
For more details, visit: http://ersaconf.org/ersa11/submission.php and for ERSA11: “Submission of Papers”.
Proposed Featured Industrial Sessions:
- Developing heterogeneous systems (CPU plus FPGA) using the OpenCL standard
- Developing IP cores and scalable libraries for heterogeneous systems
- Hardware security and trust in reconfigurable heterogeneous systems
Proposed Dedicated Industrial Sections:
- “R/A/M in Finance: Reconfigurable / Adaptive / Multicore Computing in Finance and Banking”
Note, each session may have academic and developer’s sections; it is most appreciated.
Hot Topics for Academic Session
·Formal Methods and Engineering: Tools and Theory of Design Methods
·Reconfigurable and Evolvable Hardware Architectures: Bio-Inspired, Low-Power, Multi-Core, Achronix, NuFPGA, etc.
·Security: Threats and Solutions for Reconfigurable Embedded Systems
Proposed Dedicated Academic Sections
1.“Self-Organizing Reconfigurable Embedded Systems”
Chair: Prof. Christophe Bobda : University of Arkansas , USA
Co-Chair: Prof. Achim Rettberg: University of Oldenburg , Germany
Co-Chair:Dr. Ali Ahmadinia, Glasgow Caledonian University , UK
2.“FPGA architectures for safety-related applications in transport, i.e. automotive, avionics and space”
Chair: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mladen Berekovic, Technische Universität Carolo-Wilhelmina zu Braunschweig , Germany
ERSA General Scope
ERSA conference solicits papers from all aspects of reconfigurable computing, including classical programmable logic, as well as reconfigurable multiprocessing related papers. The range of topics covers theory, architecture, algorithms, design systems, and applications that demonstrate the benefits of reconfigurable computing:
- Theory – Synthesis, Mapping, Parallelization, Partitioning…
- Software – CAD, Languages, Compilers, Operating Systems…
- Hardware – Adaptive and Dynamic Hardware, Reconfigurable Architectures…
- Applications – Mobile Computing, Automotive Industry, Smart Cameras…
ERSA conference explores emerging trends and novel ideas in the area of parallel, reconfigurable, high-performance computing architecture, design methods and applications. ERSA is promoting multidisciplinary research and new visionary approaches including bio-inspired architectures, computational biology, physics etc.
ERSA conference brings together leading scientists and researchers from academia and industry.
Sponsor ERSA and raise your visibility, and show your support for advancing reconfigurable systems and algorithms, and systems in both academic and commercial applications!
For sponsorship details, visit: Sponsorship Levels
Looking forward to meet you in Las Vegas !
For all inquiries contact: inf@ersaconf.org
ERSA partners in organizing ERSA 2012 event are:
- SemiWiki, The Semiconductor Wiki Project
- OpenFPGA proudly supports ERSA!
- FPGA Central , ERSA media sponsor
ERSA Chair
Dr Toomas P Plaks, London , UK
ERSA Co-Chairs
Daniel Nenni, SemiWiki Project , USA
ERSA Industrial Board
Eric Stahlberg, President, OpenFPGA
Steven Guccione, Technology Manager, Bank of America
Useful contacts:
General Info: inf@ersaconf.org
ERSA Chair, Dr Toomas P Plaks: inf@ersaconf.org
For more details, visit ERSA News: http://ersaconf.org/ersa-news/
ERSA Archive website: http://ersaconf.org/archive/
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