Get together with your fellow industry peers and insiders at the monthly EDAC Mixer, to the benefit of local charities. You don’t need to donate anything, you just show up and pay for your own drinks. A portion of the proceeds will go to local charities, this month to the Resource Area for Teaching (RAFT), a San Jose based non-profit who’s main focus is to inspire, engage and educate children through the power of hands-on teaching. To learn more about RAFT, visit their web site here.
When is it? Thursday Thursday April 24th at the Sonoma Chicken Coop near San Jose Airport at 90 Skyport Drive, San Jose from 6pm to 8pm. That is right next to where Magma used to be (and just a 5 minute walk from the 1st Street light rail). There are other Sonoma Chicken Coops in San Jose, make sure you go to the right one! The menu has all sort of stuff but I strongly recommend the rotisserie chicken and the oven-roasted (is there any other way to roast?) vegetables. Full details here.
Although I doubt you will get thrown out if you just attend, EDAC would like you to register (it’s free) so they have some idea of numbers. Register here.
While talking about EDAC, yesterday the EDAC MSS released numbers for Q4 2013, up 5.7% compared to 2012 and up 8.7% compared to Q3. Full details in the press release here.
And another event to put on your calendar. The Emerging Companies Committee is sponsoring a new media panel. It will be held on April 17th at Cadence (presumably in the building 10 auditorium). Brian Fuller will moderate a panel with Sylvie Barak of Atmel, Hannah Conrad of Synopsys (who I’m guessing is the same person who used to be called Hannah Watanabe, congratulations), Benjamin Tompkins of Intel Free Press, and Lani Wong who just has to walk across the parking lot. There is a reception from 6-7pm and the panel will take place from 7-8.30pm. Full details here.
If you don’t want to go to that event, also on April 17th is the Electronic Design Process Symposium (EDPS) down in Monterey. Among other things that day you can hear me talk about FD-SOI, an under-rated technology that is swamped by all the talk about FinFET and about which you should learn more. Details here. Wally Rhines will be giving the dinner keynote at the Monterey Yacht Club. SemiWiki is a sponsor of the event.
UPDATE: Get $50 off EDPS for IEEE and non-IEEE regular tickets. Promo code: semiwikigo
So for the mixer, just in case it isn’t clear, here is what you do:
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