If we consider the miniaturization era from year 1963 to 2014 then the computing power of classical computer has increased multi-fold and with the increasing growth in the computing power for every two years the cost per chip has dropped exponentially from few million dollar to few dollars, or even less than dollar per chip. The … Read More
Author: Vaibbhav Taraate
Doubling of qubits, Superconducting States and Law for Quantum Computing!
Moore’s Law Linear Approximation and Mathematical Analysis!
Respected Gordon Moore has given the real computing power to the world and Respected Stephen Hawking’s work from past many years has given the reality of physics and mathematics to the universe. We can imagine the shrinking and intelligence in computing due to the real evolution of semiconductor technology. The process… Read More
Moore’s law limitations and gravitational collapse at lower process nodes
As stated in my previous article, about the complexity of the SOC with billions of transistors. It is essential to consider the real practical scenario for the two dimensional verses three dimensional structure of the chip. Although the new technological changes and evolution for the shrinking process node can create ease for… Read More
Moore’s law observations and the analysis for year 2019.
As semiconductor professionals we all are familiar with Moore’s law. Respected Gordon Moore during year 1965-1975 observed and stated that, number of transistors in dense Integrated Circuit has doubled for approximately two years. In the present scenario, if we consider the complexity of Integrated Circuit and if we… Read More
Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node