Japan has had an incredible run in technology, but the past decade has seen a reversal of fortune. Consumer electronics powerhouses such as Pioneer, Panasonic, Sharp and many others have been humbled by the commoditization of their hardware and a shift in market share to Asian competitors.
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Author: Roger C. Lanctot
Nvidia’s Pegasus Putsch!
There hasn’t been this much excitement in Munich since the 1920’s. Nvidia’s great pivot was on display at the GPU Technology Conference Munich 2017. Digital dashboards are out and robotaxis are in as Nvidia narrows its focus on the tip of the automotive industry disruption spear.
To be clear, Nvidia is triangulating on the automotive… Read More
This is How We Autonomous
Some days it seems like the world is obsessed with autonomous vehicles. No one really understands why. Surveys tell us that consumers are both interested in and repelled by self-driving cars. What’s missing is the business model – the commercial reason for the existence of self-driving cars.
Today’s announced acquisition of … Read More
Why Cars aren’t as Safe as Planes
People are often confused and amazed that airline travel is so much safer than travel by bus, rail or car. The safety of air travel is truly miraculous, particularly in comparison to the disastrous history of terrestrial travel.
This reality was highlighted by the latest fatality data released by the U.S. Department of Transportation… Read More
Driver Distraction? Don’t Look at Me!
The Automobile Club of America’s (AAA) ongoing battle with driver distraction, among other issues such as drowsy driving and teen driving, turns a new page with a report flagging 23 of 30 tested in-vehicle infotainment systems as demanding that drivers pay a high or very high level of attention when performing tasks with… Read More
Walden Rhines on the Automotive Electronics Landscape
Mentor President and CEO Walden Rhines gave a comprehensive overview of the automotive electronics landscape at the Mentor Integrated Electrical Solutions Forum (IESF) in Plymouth, Mich., this week. A key focal point of Rhines’ comments was the twin industry disruptors: EVs and AVs.
A Texas Instruments alum, Rhines described… Read More
Uber is a Cancer!
Uber’s marketing and public relations afterburners are running at full blast with a new CEO, new driver rules and promises to make amends and “turn the company around” – whatever that means. If Uber is sincere about making changes it may find itself at war with its own nature.
Uber is a liar and a thief.… Read More
Fix Lauren: No War on Cars!
We have gotten to the point with automotive safety where we are happy to hear that ONLY 18,000 people died on the nation’s highways in the first six months of 2017. That’s right. That is good news – 100+ people were killed every day so far this year in, by or as a result of cars.
Eclipse 2017: Drive All Night!
The reports are coming in now that Apple is working on self-driving car technology in support of developing shuttle buses – not unlike the dozen or so other companies like Local Motors and Navya working on the same idea. The message is clear that the only way to reduce traffic and congestion is to get human beings to pack themselves… Read More
Tuning in to Tesla Radio
The rumor is spreading far and wide that Tesla Motors’ CEO Elon Musk is talking with major record labels about creating a streaming audio service dedicated to Tesla vehicles. The widespread industry reaction is head scratching and eye rolling at what is seen as the latest chapter in the Musk follies – Solar City, Model 3, Autopilot,… Read More
CHIPS Act dies because employees are fired – NIST CHIPS people are probationary