Reinventing Power Management ICs for Mobile

Reinventing Power Management ICs for Mobile
by Karim Khalfan on 02-29-2016 at 7:00 am

Semiconductor startups are becoming rather rare in Silicon Valley, otherwise known as the cradle of technology innovation. In an era where social media and cloud-based software startups are sprouting in every nook and corner of the Valley, it is extremely difficult to get venture capital funding for semiconductor startups,… Read More

Evaluating the Performance of Design Data Management Software

Evaluating the Performance of Design Data Management Software
by Karim Khalfan on 01-29-2016 at 12:00 pm

In the wake of increased global competitiveness and shorter time-to-market windows, there has been a renewed focus by design management on the underlying data management infrastructure of the design teams. An increasing number of systems-on-chip (SoCs) now have some type of analog, digital and/or RF modules, making it imperative… Read More