Business history is littered with once-successful companies that couldn’t see the market tsunami that was coming their way until it was too late to do anything but stand up and be walloped by a wave of change that obliterated their businesses.
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Author: Bill Montgomery
IoT Collateral Damage – it’s not if, but when
PUF the Magic (IoT) Dragon
Most people are familiar with Biometrics, the measurement of unique physical characteristics, such as fingerprints, and facial features, for the purpose of verifying human identity with a high level of certainty. The iris and even a person’s electrocardiogram (ECG) can be used as a secure biometric identifier.… Read More
Future Shock – IoT benefits beyond traffic and lighting energy optimization
The year is 2029, approximately 35 years after the Internet went mainstream and today the world, its people and things are connected in ways that the Internet’s pioneers could never have imagined. The Internet of Things (IoT) or as Cisco put it, The Internet Of Everything (IoE) is now a reality, enhancing our lives in myriad ways.… Read More
Rethinking Multipatterning for 2nm Node