IBM must have laid off its lawyers or something since never before has the company seemed so ready to reveal clients by name and the projects they’re engaged in. That has been going on for months and recently it has accelerated. Credit IBM’s eagerness to get blockchain established fast and show progress with the open community HyperLedger… Read More
Author: Alan Radding
IBM Demonstrates Blockchain Progress and Clients
Meet the POWER9 Chip Family
When you looked at a chip in the past you primarily were concerned with two things: the speed of the chip, usually expressed in GHz, and how much power it consumed. Today the IBM engineers preparing the newest POWER chip, the 14nm POWER9, are tweaking the chips for the different workloads it might run, such as cognitive or cloud, and… Read More
IBM z13 Helps Avoid Costly Data Breaches
A global study sponsored by IBM and conducted by the Ponemon Institute found that the average cost of a data breach for companies surveyed has grown to $4 million, representing a 29 percent increase since 2013. With cybersecurity incidents continuing to increase with 64% more security incidents in 2015 than in 2014 the costs are… Read More
IBM Fires a Shot at Intel with its Latest POWER Roadmap
In case you worry that IBM will abandon hardware in the pursuit of its strategic initiatives focusing on cloud, mobile, analytics and more; well, stop worrying. With the announcement of its POWER Roadmap at the OpenPOWER Summitearlier this spring, it appears POWER will be around for years to come. But IBM is not abandoning the strategic… Read More
Unlocking the cloud: A new era for post-tapeout flow for semiconductor manufacturing