I could show you the FPGA, but then I’d have to configure you

I could show you the FPGA, but then I’d have to configure you
by Don Dingee on 10-31-2013 at 6:00 pm

One of the present ironies of the Internet of Things is as it seeks to connect every device on the planet, we are still designing those things with largely unconnected EDA tools. We may share libraries and source files on a server somewhere, but that is just the beginning of connection.

It is not surprising that synthesis tools from… Read More

A random walk down OS-VVM

A random walk down OS-VVM
by Don Dingee on 05-13-2013 at 11:14 am

Unlike one prevailing theory of financial markets, digital designs definitely don’t function or evolve randomly. But many engineers have bought into the theory that designs can be completely tested randomly. Certainly there is value to randomness, exercising all combinations of inputs, including unexpected ones a designer… Read More