An Ultra-Low Voltage CPU

An Ultra-Low Voltage CPU
by Bernard Murphy on 04-18-2017 at 7:00 am

A continuing challenge for large scale deployment of IoT devices is the need to minimize service/cost by extending battery life to decades. At these lifetimes, devices become effectively disposable (OK – a new recycling challenge) and maintenance may amount to no more than replacing a dead unit with a new unit. Getting to these… Read More

Ultra-low Voltage: Is Your Slack Really Positive? Are You Sure?

Ultra-low Voltage: Is Your Slack Really Positive? Are You Sure?
by Paul McLellan on 08-06-2015 at 7:00 am

During synthesis and static timing the main figure of merit is “slack”. If a signal arrives with time to spare before it is needed (often measured against the setup time before a clock changes at a register) then the slack is positive. Positive slack is generally a good thing, although it can indicate over-design if … Read More