The First TSMC CEO James E. Dykes

The First TSMC CEO James E. Dykes
by Daniel Nenni on 08-25-2023 at 6:00 am

James Dykes TSMC CEO (1)

Most people ( including ChatGPT) think Morris Chang was the first TSMC CEO but it was in fact Jim Dykes, a very interesting character in the semiconductor industry.

According to his eulogy: Jim came from the humblest of beginnings, easily sharing that he grew up in a house without running water and never had a bed of his own. But because… Read More

Podcast EP9: Why Fabs and Fabless Matter

Podcast EP9: Why Fabs and Fabless Matter
by Daniel Nenni on 02-26-2021 at 10:00 am

Dan and Mike are joined by Ray Zinn, the longest serving CEO in Silicon Valley. Join us for a tour of the very beginnings of the semiconductor industry and the rise of the fabless movement. Beyond a historical perspective, Ray also discusses the importance of semiconductor technology and its impact on the world, governments and … Read More

Podcast EP6: The Traitorous Eight and Fairchild Semiconductor

Podcast EP6: The Traitorous Eight and Fairchild Semiconductor
by Daniel Nenni on 02-05-2021 at 10:00 am

Dan and Mike are joined by John East, a silicon valley industry veteran who takes you on a tour of the very foundation of Silicon Valley and venture capital. John explores the beginnings of these key parts of the world as we know it today and explains who the Traitorous Eight are and what role they played.

John East retired… Read More

Steve Jobs, NeXT Computer, and Apple

Steve Jobs, NeXT Computer, and Apple
by John East on 08-12-2019 at 6:00 am

From time to time I give presentations to various audiences:  Silicon Valley the Way I Saw It.  I always enjoy doing that.  One particular section always makes me stop and think.  “Who was this guy? How did he do what he did? Why didn’t I do that?  “What made him so special?” It’s the Steve Jobs section. I met twice with Steve Jobs when Read More

Real Men Have Fabs Jerry Sanders, TJ Rodgers, and AMD

Real Men Have Fabs Jerry Sanders, TJ Rodgers, and AMD
by John East on 07-29-2019 at 6:00 am

In 1977 I made a job change:  I took a job at Raytheon Semiconductor.  Raytheon was on Ellis Street next door to the Fairchild “Rust Bucket”.  In the early days, they shared the same parking lot so my commute didn’t change much, but my outlook on life changed a bunch.  I had mostly enjoyed my days at Fairchild, but I hated every single … Read More

1971 is the year that Intel changed the world

1971 is the year that Intel changed the world
by John East on 06-24-2019 at 5:00 am

The “20 Questions with John East” series continues

From time to time I present the History of Silicon Valley as I saw it to various audiences.  I always enjoy doing that.  I’ve learned that the part that audiences like the most is the Apple / Steve Jobs story.  That’s not hard to understand.  Steve Jobs was truly fascinating! The story… Read More

What the world should not learn from Silicon Valley

What the world should not learn from Silicon Valley
by Vivek Wadhwa on 09-11-2018 at 12:00 pm

Learn all you can from the entrepreneurs of Silicon Valley but don’t become like them. This was my advice to a group of 91 Indian students who are visiting here on a program sponsored by Rajasthan Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje. In a talk I gave this weekend, I encouraged them to take home the Valley’s optimism and culture of openness… Read More

What Silicon Valley still gets wrong about innovation

What Silicon Valley still gets wrong about innovation
by Vivek Wadhwa on 08-15-2018 at 7:00 am

Silicon Valley well exemplifies the saying “The more things change, the more they stay the same”. Very little has changed over the past decade, with the Valley still mired in myth and stale stereotype. Ask any older entrepreneurs or women who have tried to get financing; they will tell you of the walls they keep hitting. Speak to VCs,… Read More