Interface Protocols, USB3, HDMI, MIPI… the winner and losers in 2011

Interface Protocols, USB3, HDMI, MIPI… the winner and losers in 2011
by Eric Esteve on 01-07-2012 at 11:30 am

Releasing a new protocol like ThunderBolt, HDMI or SuperSpeed USB has not only to do with bandwidth performance or form factor of the connector as a guarantee of success. Some non-scientific parameters also play a role in the alchemy, that’s why forecasting the success of a certain protocol is such a hard task, and can’t be reduced… Read More

A tribute to Research on Interface IP Market

A tribute to Research on Interface IP Market
by Eric Esteve on 11-17-2011 at 10:03 am

Denali acquisition by Cadence in May 2010, ChipIdea, Virage Logic, and nSys acquisitions by Synopsys in 2009, 2010 and 2011 (resp.) shows that IP market is consolidating… but new IP vendors are still emerging! So we need to know on which product the Interface IP market leader will tend to a dominant position, which new products… Read More

Synopsys Awarded TSMC’s Interface IP Partner of the Year

Synopsys Awarded TSMC’s Interface IP Partner of the Year
by Eric Esteve on 11-09-2011 at 9:19 am

Is it surprising to see that Synopsys has been selected Interface IP partner of the year by TSMC? Not really, as the company is the clear leader on this IP market segment (which includes USB, PCI Express, SATA, DDRn, HDMI, MIPI and others protocols like Ethernet, DisplayPort, Hyper Transport, Infiniband, Serial RapidIO…). But,… Read More

Interview with Eric Esteve IPNest made by Synopsys

Interview with Eric Esteve IPNest made by Synopsys
by Eric Esteve on 10-27-2011 at 11:15 am

Introduction from Hezi Saar: Eric’s latest viewpoints and reports are host onIPnestas well as on Semiwikiand you can find information related to various Interface IP: USB 3.0, PCIe, SATA, DDRn, MIPI, HDMI and more.

Q: Eric, give us a quick introduction about your background as it relates to interface IP
A: I have spent 20 years workingRead More

DDR4 Controller IP, Cadence IP strategy… and Synopsys

DDR4 Controller IP, Cadence IP strategy… and Synopsys
by Eric Esteve on 04-14-2011 at 4:17 am

I will share with you some strategic information released by Cadence last week about their IP strategy, more specifically about the launch of the DDR4 Controller IP. And try to understand Cadence strategy about Interface IP in general (USB, PCIe, SATA, DDRn, HDMI, MIPI…) and how Cadence is positioned in respect with their closestRead More